clement3 發表於 25-8-2010 01:06:48

本帖最後由 clement3 於 25-8-2010 11:32 AM 編輯

19/9 我也不能出席,大家玩開心點。別忘記拍照!

bad-aries 發表於 25-8-2010 11:03:25

siegheil 發表於 25-8-2010 13:33:59


clement3 發表於 25-8-2010 19:31:36

19/9 是星期日

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 25-8-2010 22:19:02

回復 1847# bad-aries
bring her to join & she will have peace of mind :)

S20081997 發表於 26-8-2010 00:56:46

MK still has Anaheim Joural (Taiwan)? thx!
Gundam@EFSF 發表於 21-8-2010 12:06 PM, I dont know
but saw one of TD bro sharing post

S20081997 發表於 26-8-2010 00:58:34

唔該晒先, 不過小弟響某屋苑已經買左, 係最後一本.
bad-aries 發表於 22-8-2010 06:07 PM
MK street near "kai wong " n M still have a lot at $75
sino 2/f last book/comics shop $73

S20081997 發表於 26-8-2010 01:01:02

19/9 我也不能出席,大家玩開心點。別忘記拍照!
clement3 發表於 25-8-2010 01:06 AM watched yr Gundam at last gathering
I think I will build it asap :73:

S20081997 發表於 26-8-2010 01:01:45

19/9相信小弟不能出席, 事關太座微言開始擴大.
bad-aries 發表於 25-8-2010 11:03 AM

bad-aries 發表於 27-8-2010 10:24:16

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 28-8-2010 09:57:23

回復 1855# bad-aries

u 3 to join & all will have peace of mind

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 28-8-2010 20:47:41

I'm in Japan at 19/9/2010.............. :63:

johnchan 發表於 30-8-2010 09:44:12

19/9 不能出席 also, see you next time:77:

Mythsearcher 發表於 30-8-2010 22:31:28


Tasuku 發表於 31-8-2010 07:18:08

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