yui_style 發表於 28-3-2009 23:01:53

原帖由 tabo 於 27-3-2009 01:03 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
My glow in the dark bearbricks


tabo 發表於 29-3-2009 00:49:00

原帖由 rto 於 27-3-2009 08:34 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
woo, u took this pic so nice, i wonder how you take it? are you using professional DSLR to take?

Yes, it was taken by using Nikon D90 and I am just a beginner in using DSLR.:(

rto 發表於 29-3-2009 10:35:34

Are you using kit len? what is your settting ah? Can you tell me more detail? thanks

原帖由 tabo 於 29-3-2009 12:49 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gifYes, it was taken by using Nikon D90 and I am just a beginner in using DSLR.:(

tabo 發表於 29-3-2009 12:31:19

Yes, I am using the kit lens and the setting is f/5.6, 15s, ISO-500

One more


The middle one is still in plastic bag. :(

原帖由 rto 於 29-3-2009 10:35 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Are you using kit len? what is your settting ah? Can you tell me more detail? thanks

[ 本帖最後由 tabo 於 29-3-2009 12:42 PM 編輯 ]

KAWS911 發表於 30-3-2009 00:16:44

回覆 319# 的文章

:handshake: :handshake: nice pic!!

nupchu 發表於 30-3-2009 00:49:16

原帖由 tabo 於 29-3-2009 12:31 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Yes, I am using the kit lens and the setting is f/5.6, 15s, ISO-500

One more

The middle one is still in plastic bag. :(

s.g.toys 發表於 30-3-2009 01:26:54





rto 發表於 30-3-2009 06:18:27

回覆 319# 的文章

Just wonder do you turn off all light to take? 15s with ISO 500..seem not many noise at all..pretty nice pic...

rto 發表於 30-3-2009 06:19:03

回覆 322# 的文章

woo....you bought it.....amazing!!!!!

yui_style 發表於 30-3-2009 10:27:27

原帖由 s.g.toys 於 30-3-2009 01:26 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gifhttp://p.yoho.cn/6226002.jpgCDG~~~http://p.yoho.cn/6226003.jpg
會唔會係die-cast製?定係stainless steel?

rto 發表於 30-3-2009 12:59:21

回覆 325# 的文章

I wish it should be "white gold" la.. hahaha....

s.g.toys 發表於 1-4-2009 02:54:38



rto 發表於 1-4-2009 11:26:36

回覆 327# 的文章

woo~~~~stussy 1000%....pretty good stuff....

rto 發表於 1-4-2009 11:36:23

原帖由 yui_style 於 8-1-2009 11:01 AM 發表 http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

恭喜rto大大終於入手10 Corso Como 5週年400%!!!

Comme既 400% 我都差一隻紅色未有:unhappy: (木果隻更加唔敢諗...) 搵返張舊相:
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3056/2835633440_6377 ...
brother Yui, can you close up the 100% transpartent CdG to see ma? thanks

zzMANzz 發表於 1-4-2009 12:03:33

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