你開心就好了 發表於 9-2-2010 10:12:54

normally at 2010/2-2011/1
S20081997 發表於 8-2-2010 11:43 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

yugi 發表於 9-2-2010 11:40:49

日本新出dragonball改 Super DX組立式 Freeza's Spaceship
S20081997 發表於 5-2-2010 09:06 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


S20081997 發表於 10-2-2010 10:36:50

本帖最後由 S20081997 於 10-2-2010 10:46 AM 編輯

你開心就好了 發表於 9-2-2010 10:12 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif $180-$250 :80:$180-$100 best price :71:but vegeta normal 3 mode/cloths .need to think think buy which version first :80: (1/ first cloth ,2/ second cloth ,3/ super saiyan with second cloth,4/ third cloth ( old cloth at frezza ship )5/ blue colth only ( trunks grow up ) 6/ M at head (buu's power ) 7/ at gt :69: 8/ ss3 vegeta :Q 9/ monkey super big version :50:

S20081997 發表於 10-2-2010 10:37:26

yugi 發表於 9-2-2010 11:40 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gifyes, this is called : fry price :53:if U support this time , they will sell more expensive next time :36:

mushroom 發表於 13-2-2010 11:43:31


S20081997 發表於 13-2-2010 22:20:11

:65::65:happy luner new year n 恭喜發財 to everyone !!:77::77:

S20081997 發表於 13-2-2010 22:33:38

mushroom 發表於 13-2-2010 11:43 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif:77::77:I will buy DG part 1 for 2010 birthday !!:77::77:then U start to buy part2 ..............................................................................:p

你開心就好了 發表於 14-2-2010 10:14:54

新年快樂 !!~~~

S20081997 發表於 14-2-2010 10:41:53


S20081997 發表於 14-2-2010 10:43:20

happy v day :35: n luner new year !!:DD

mushroom 發表於 17-2-2010 10:19:32

I will buy DG part 1 for 2010 birthday !!then U start to buy part2 ................. ...
S20081997 發表於 13-2-2010 10:33 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


S20081997 發表於 18-2-2010 00:38:53

mushroom 發表於 17-2-2010 10:19 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gifhaha , " paper colour " ?? :DD

S20081997 發表於 18-2-2010 00:39:56

OT : today go to ship ship warehouse .pls support thx
http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread.php?tid=90598&pid=4258613&page=26&extra=#pid4258613 :64:(photo 2 are dragon ball things fm 1992-93 :71:

Borbor 發表於 19-2-2010 14:21:30


為佢而買, D上色好正:67:

Kel 發表於 19-2-2010 18:56:00

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