豪鬼 發表於 13-6-2008 21:32:50

and photo quality big difference ma??

henryliuch 發表於 13-6-2008 22:04:14

S50 is a good DC.. I bought it @百老x.. the price of kit set is $6880.. but I know that you may ask for lower price or get more gift..
原帖由 豪鬼 於 13-6-2008 09:27 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
s50 before, same wor.... but i am still considering 450d.... where did u buy it? and what is the market price now?

henryliuch 發表於 13-6-2008 22:13:10

雖然function 上大家都有光圈快門先決等等..但其實S50 & 450D 有好大分別.. 450D 影出黎O既相quality 好好多..

原帖由 豪鬼 於 13-6-2008 09:32 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
and photo quality big difference ma??

IchigoKurosaki 發表於 13-6-2008 23:08:39

Do you recommend? Does your hand fit well? My hands are quite big...

Also, how is the Lens from the kit?

henryliuch 發表於 15-6-2008 12:30:49

um.. 我recommend 太主觀.. 因為我係canon fans.. 由350D 已經想入手.. 不過冇$.. 所以可以說是死硬派.. 多數人都用Canon 450D compare Nikon D80/D60.. 我睇過一些相比.. Nikon D80 係好.. 不過貴些.. 而且出左成3年.. 而D60就係剛剛出, 不過又冇450D 咁好..
我覺得中國人隻手剛剛好.. 如果鬼佬手會覺得部機細.. 其實最好可以去試下機...
而套KIT o既LEN 有防震.. 而都算wide.. 可以有排用.. 我諗住如果當我再upgrade 個len.. 粗用kit 個支鏡都唔肉痛..
原帖由 IchigoKurosaki 於 13-6-2008 11:08 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Do you recommend? Does your hand fit well? My hands are quite big...

Also, how is the Lens from the kit?

豪鬼 發表於 15-6-2008 14:06:17

thanks bro... i guess it's a pretty tough call between choosing 450D or 40D.... what do u think?

IchigoKurosaki 發表於 15-6-2008 21:55:19

原帖由 henryliuch 於 15-6-2008 12:30 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
um.. 我recommend 太主觀.. 因為我係canon fans.. 由350D 已經想入手.. 不過冇$.. 所以可以說是死硬派.. 多數人都用Canon 450D compare Nikon D80/D60.. 我睇過一些相比.. Nikon D80 係好.. 不過貴些.. 而且出左成3年 ...

Thanks for the info! ~

You are right, I was looking at D60 and D80 but it seems Canon is really the way to go after talking to many users. I think I need to hold it in my hand to see if it feels good. ~

henryliuch 發表於 16-6-2008 11:27:52

40D 好過450D, 不過40D KIT SET 要成11xxx... 好貴...
原帖由 豪鬼 於 15-6-2008 02:06 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
thanks bro... i guess it's a pretty tough call between choosing 450D or 40D.... what do u think?

henryliuch 發表於 16-6-2008 11:30:24

其實我諗nikon 應該就出機.. 可能d90.. 因為d80出左3年.. 可以等佢有冇消息發報先買~
不過用開Canon 就未必習慣nikon o既制...
原帖由 IchigoKurosaki 於 15-6-2008 09:55 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Thanks for the info! ~

You are right, I was looking at D60 and D80 but it seems Canon is really the way to go after talking to many users. I think I need to hold it in my hand to see if it feel ...

影武者 發表於 17-6-2008 08:01:19


henryliuch 發表於 17-6-2008 08:57:23

試機先啦:^ 睇下會唔會中毒:^:^
原帖由 影武者 於 17-6-2008 08:01 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

豪鬼 發表於 17-6-2008 13:49:09

but the rumor about the release of Nikon D90, is true ma??

henryliuch 發表於 17-6-2008 14:47:45

這個真的不清楚了... 我想sony 已經出招(買大機送細機plan)... 而nikon 冇理由冇殺著o既...
原帖由 豪鬼 於 17-6-2008 01:49 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
but the rumor about the release of Nikon D90, is true ma??

IchigoKurosaki 發表於 17-6-2008 22:15:42

原帖由 豪鬼 於 17-6-2008 01:49 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
but the rumor about the release of Nikon D90, is true ma??

I was doing some research and rumour is that the D90 will come out before summer 2008! So it will be out soon...

影武者 發表於 17-6-2008 23:57:52

原帖由 henryliuch 於 17-6-2008 08:57 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
試機先啦:^ 睇下會唔會中毒:^:^

我已有panasonicLX 2 了........有正室....好難有二奶...:sad:
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