darknight 發表於 9-4-2022 20:15:48

4K Live 深水埗玩具街 重溫每刻

本帖最後由 darknight 於 9-4-2022 08:29 PM 編輯

總覺得人老左,好多野想盡力保留。那怕是一幅相或一段片. 誰知那年那月會重建? 會移民? 或已移了民? 或走先呢...
不過天時地利好緊要. 人太多; 或無人都唔好. 反正夏天快來, 趁仍有風高氣爽的日子快快拍一下~


Think about decades later if these 50s/60s building will be still around. 玩具街好壞參半,好是有許多便宜玩具、時興玩物; 節日裝飾更是方便大眾; 可惜也有箇中也有版權爭議的產品就不在此談了... * I would like to extend my special thanks to "Alex Tam Drone 航拍天空" for his drone clip of Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong.
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