jim 發表於 14-7-2008 00:45:56

martinyeah 發表於 14-7-2008 01:25:56

原帖由 jim 於 2008-7-14 12:45 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

http://blogimg.goo.n ...
唔知hk 幾時有....

nakeman 發表於 14-7-2008 01:42:52


kyostanley 發表於 14-7-2008 03:33:32

原帖由 Major375 於 12-7-2008 06:45 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
嘩, 好正呀!!!:handshake:

nakeman 發表於 14-7-2008 12:12:16

:61: 蟲蟲飛~~:52:


ckpole 發表於 14-7-2008 18:47:29

原帖由 nakeman 於 14-7-2008 01:42 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
藍甲蟲女個pose 好正呀:love:

nakeman 發表於 14-7-2008 23:33:25



roundbun 發表於 15-7-2008 01:04:13

nakeman & martinyeah bigbig..

1) I just browsed through 武裝神姬 konami website & noted that some figure bodies are listed as "MMS" while some aren't...any difference at all?

2)Are recent 武裝神姬 body's design better than that of 2006 / 2007?

3) Beside the red hot bike, which style is considered as one of the best lei?

martinyeah 發表於 15-7-2008 02:23:52

原帖由 nakeman 於 2008-7-14 11:33 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


好野wo你!!! 你次次都影到鬼死咁靚.....:53:

nakeman 發表於 15-7-2008 08:38:09

原帖由 roundbun 於 15-7-2008 01:04 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
1) I just browsed through 武裝神姬 konami website & noted that some figure bodies are listed as "MMS" while some aren't...any difference at all?

2)Are recent 武裝神姬 body's design better than that of 2006 / 2007?

3) Beside the red hot bike, which style is considered as one of the best lei?

1) all 武裝神姬's bodies are the same type "mms" with variant colour upto right now.

2) there are 2 generation of mms, named mms & mms2, & the mms3 are coming according to some magazine. however, i did not find any significant difference between mms & mms2. some web friend told me that the mms2 can make a larger range of motion on the hip, but i did not try/ test it yet.

3) siren, beatles, firearm ex...etc., most of the 武裝神姬 are good, maybe you may come to my blog and take a look some of my collection if you are interested.

nakeman 發表於 15-7-2008 08:42:47

原帖由 martinyeah 於 15-7-2008 02:23 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

好野wo你!!! 你次次都影到鬼死咁靚.....:53:

你影d相靚d,又高清…羨慕ing:79: 我果d矇查查。

roundbun 發表於 15-7-2008 13:26:40

原帖由 nakeman 於 15-7-2008 08:38 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

1) all 武裝神姬's bodies are the same type "mms" with variant colour upto right now.

2) there are 2 generation of mms, named mms & mms2, & the mms3 are coming according to some magazine. howeve ...

Thanks for the info & i've already browsed thru your blog... very detailed comments & comparison:71: x 100
I think I know which ones to buy first now.., haa.
Between, the new blue & red bugs that recently came to the market..., is 5.5 fish per set a fair pricepoint?

ckpole 發表於 15-7-2008 23:23:56

原帖由 nakeman 於 14-7-2008 11:33 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

不過 這張影得真唔錯 個pose同塊面的表情好配合:handshake:

martinyeah 發表於 16-7-2008 01:13:55

喂...聽講神姬出左動畫!!!叫強襲魔女!!!! 有無人睇過???

martinyeah 發表於 16-7-2008 01:15:18

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