lowa_sony 發表於 1-8-2016 15:17:33

how come they didn't show the sample of the batmoible speaker during the animate show this year

go-go 發表於 1-8-2016 23:42:57

azraelho2013 發表於 31-7-2016 07:26 PM
1989Batmobile HiFi 音響有少少把鬼,有幾多人買?五千七…。為何不腳踏實地出搖控1:12版本

我諗佢地都知未必受大眾接受, 滿足超fans多, 而家應盡快出BVS果部1/12 RC mobile先

azraelho2013 發表於 11-8-2016 22:05:49

沒錯,只等一系列Batmobile 排隊上市.....一年一架無問題

bfish 發表於 11-8-2016 22:25:47

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