Leslieinaus 發表於 3-6-2015 20:50:59

Vince 發表於 3-6-2015 06:22 PM
請問 d 隻係咩 game ar Leslieinaus兄 ?? thx

應該係跟Lego Avengers Video Game 出 [秋/冬季]
[我都覺得 Mark 33跟Avengers 有啲奇怪]
不過暫時我只知咁多 ...

wilson3a10 發表於 3-6-2015 23:07:43

observer 發表於 3-6-2015 02:21 PM
it come from toy fair. around HK$5000 per each

買少一隻lego可買樓, 我唯有放棄買lego

observer 發表於 4-6-2015 19:45:05

wilson3a10 發表於 3-6-2015 11:07 PM
買少一隻lego可買樓, 我唯有放棄買lego

they are not the expensive one. the most expensive is Mr Gold. currently around $10,000 on e-bay
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: 想問下LEGO出左幾多款IRON MAN???