kuro0314 發表於 10-6-2014 09:26:59

回復 14# 馬明

Thank you for the suggestion =)

kuro0314 發表於 10-6-2014 09:29:27

回復 17# 百龍天舞

noted thanks :DD

kuro0314 發表於 10-6-2014 09:30:41

RE: 香港玩具铺

回復 18# jamcat


kuro0314 發表於 10-6-2014 09:34:46

其实小弟只是想问下玩具铺,没想过会带来一些争议~ 不好意思:26:

ryogoodbye 發表於 10-6-2014 10:33:02

其实小弟只是想问下玩具铺,没想过会带来一些争&# ...
kuro0314 發表於 10-6-2014 09:34 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


玩具Joe 發表於 10-6-2014 10:48:28

其实小弟只是想问下玩具铺,没想过会带来一些争&# ...
kuro0314 發表於 10-6-2014 09:34 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

香港病了, 請多多包容香港人.... 祝您買到喜歡既玩具!

chal 發表於 10-6-2014 10:51:42

實在不建議 去皆旺買玩具

toylover 發表於 10-6-2014 12:35:37

ryogoodbye 發表於 10-6-2014 10:33 AM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

好似前面有位 CHing 所講, 咪一樣有香港水貨佬去日本大手掃人哋的玩具, 咪一樣乞人憎

如果係跑慣水貨, 洗鬼來呢度問呢 d 問題

咩地區, 咩國家都有有修養的人, 係無修養, 香港人一樣大把

我只會歧視無品的人, 唔會歧視咩國藉

ckygundam 發表於 10-6-2014 14:26:49

好似前面有位 CHing 所講, 咪一樣有香港水貨佬去日本大手掃人哋的玩具, 咪一樣乞人憎

如果係跑 ...
toylover 發表於 10-6-2014 12:35 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


drexler22 發表於 10-6-2014 15:20:19

本帖最後由 drexler22 於 10-6-2014 03:21 PM 編輯

ckygundam 發表於 10-6-2014 02:26 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

   yes ar.... people are really sick....

not so long ago...maybe a month ago.. there's member said he want to sell some toys since he has too many...
but his link was dead...i cannot see pictures.. so i ask and said i am interested..
in fact, i come to this forum very often to "look" only, i always said i am kind of poor, and my toys cabinet are very small and very little collection, some member may already saw my post before

I asked because i always consider you guys are very professional and understand the toys, reviews...etc..
so i thought that he should sell his toys in reasonable price and some of them i missed previously

maybe i am stupid or very silly, i never seen any of the members in here,but for some reasons, i thought members in here are nice, so i didn't think that much of issues or any benefit, i kind of trust members in here already

anyway, there's a guy suddenly came up in a very pissed off mood, said, Fxxk u / Fxxk off, you don't even see the pictures and said you are interest ?you must be a business dealer or something... i was like, man.. what's wrong with you? i can't even ask to look, of course i will be interest, this is toys forum....

Hong Kongers are so sick...{:1_232:}

mudwk 發表於 10-6-2014 16:35:47

本帖最後由 mudwk 於 10-6-2014 04:39 PM 編輯

ckygundam 發表於 10-6-2014 02:26 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


kyostanley 發表於 10-6-2014 16:40:47

ckygundam 發表於 10-6-2014 02:26 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

你都講得好好, 而家好多人都無晒理性, 盲目咁去批判人, 其實佢地自己都係一樣...

kuro0314 發表於 10-6-2014 16:43:35

其实我都有留意下香港的新闻。在FB都有like一些关于香港的page。对香港的事情都有滴略懂。但求小弟不会在某个fb video里出现哈哈:(

kuro0314 發表於 10-6-2014 16:45:02

回復 37# chal


kuro0314 發表於 10-6-2014 16:46:37

回復 40# drexler22

I feel you sadness. wish you all the best in what you looking for haha =D
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