BatIron 發表於 11-6-2013 10:35:27

本帖最後由 BatIron 於 11-6-2013 10:48 AM 編輯

小弟住過東京4年、一如衆師兄所言、去Mandarake !! 秋葉原同中野都有Mandarake、総店係秋葉原、成棟Building6,7層都係M記的。
同太太去的話秋葉原比中野好。近年秋葉原現代化左好多!有Gundam Cafe、UDX更有Bandai魂常設Showshow。
値得去既有「Figure Hobbyの殿堂」> (去完M既去会順路D、因比較遠少小)
沖有全日本Top Class既Yodobashi Camera>超大型家電、内裏玩具果層好大。When you get hungry, 有寿司三昧、或上頂層Food Plaza。女士会喜歓的!


Anyway, you got 7 days, if you have time, go both places, Not enough time?? Go to Akihabara!! It ll spend you a whole day if you watch all the things I mentioned above.{:1_203:}

wpc 發表於 11-6-2013 10:59:12

回復 15# qiy


qiy 發表於 11-6-2013 11:18:57

回復 17# wpc


Suica_Tomix 發表於 11-6-2013 15:55:06

日本好多地方有一間超大商場叫Yodabashi, 新宿西口同秋葉原都有,我同太太都買左好多。上野有間七層高玩具店,以下係我既戰利品,有台場高達!

ltkeric 發表於 11-6-2013 17:57:46

請問各位師兄是否知道日本Hottoys有無一些舊版Ironman賣? 如Mark 6 或 Mark 4?:p

qiy 發表於 11-6-2013 20:01:19

回復 20# ltkeric


ltkeric 發表於 13-6-2013 10:30:47

回復 21# qiy


ltkeric 發表於 14-6-2013 11:09:45

回復 21# qiy


frankylick 發表於 18-6-2013 05:28:19

小弟住過東京4年、一如衆師兄所言、去Mandarake !! 秋葉原同中野都有Mandarake、総店係秋葉原 ...
BatIron 發表於 11-6-2013 10:35 AM

睇黎我除了要預多 D 時間之外, 仲要預多 D 銀彈~ {:1_197:}
多謝師兄指路 !!!:64:

BatIron 發表於 20-6-2013 13:27:54

回復 24# frankylick

You re welcome.
去埋秋葉原既「寿屋」la, very famous & the biggest one in Japan!{:1_211:}

BatIron 發表於 20-6-2013 13:31:29

Before you start your trip in Akihabara, I strongly advise you to go to the tourist information centre in UDX building ,just nearby the station. Where you can get lets of information, including maps, restaurants, & Tokyo hot spots etc...Bandai魂常設Shows is there too.{:1_231:}

水水的基地 發表於 21-6-2013 09:00:24

抽水先,點都要去埋eva store //////

kobe02168 發表於 21-6-2013 09:57:49

回復 21# qiy


qiy 發表於 21-6-2013 10:08:05

回復 28# kobe02168


Wtong23 發表於 21-6-2013 14:10:38

Just went in early June.DX12 no stock in Hot toys's shop.Only Leslie Cheung and I think the boss (Metal gear) have stock.

12" figure you probably will find Japan to be around the same price as HK if not higher, no saving.Our popular fry price items are usually their fry price items as well.
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查看完整版本: 詢問關於日本東京尋寶及朝聖地