dengeki 發表於 21-12-2011 23:51:56

RAH Premium Club - Gatack 已出 - take 2

I can't send message to "Douglas.M.Saint ".

I post this subject this afternoon and 2 more C-Hing has followed up.But tonight, I found the post is gone.I got a short message, it said "

you can 您的主題 RAH Premium Club - Gatack 已出 被 Douglas.M.Saint 刪除 3 小時前 嚴禁實價

Why can't Mr. Douglas.M.Saint just delete that message, but the entire post (include 2 more follow up from C-Hing?   And, I did not use real number.I am using 'shift-letter' symbol. I found it appear in all the places in TD, but why only delete my post.

Mr. Douglas.M.Saint, I am happy to hear from you a reason, so that I can follow the rule.Same as other C-Hing, I only want to contribute first hand message to all of you, to make TD is more useful.Please send me private message, or post here.

Thanks a Lot.
- Dengeki.

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 24-12-2011 16:13:54

Hello Dengeki,

Cause your post included "exact price" and the R and R stated clearly that symbol is not allow also.For details, please take a look for our R and R whcih post at the top.

Thanks for your sharing and please pay attention next time.Look forward your sharing and Merry X'mas! :)


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