roundtable 發表於 16-11-2011 00:30:47

我都睇咗, MS戰用了很多近鏡, 感覺很迫力, 很多舊型MS出場, 是服務老餅fans, 很驚訝會出拜亞蘭, 對呢 ...
whitebase 發表於 13-11-2011 01:13 AM
我將 unicorn 當係動作片咁睇,已經唔理劇情 :45:

強姦做雞做鴨落仔宗教仇恨 ...etc,呢堆題材 bandai 唔敢畫出黎我好理解,但改到咁成班角色既動機就唔見晒

hondacl7 發表於 16-11-2011 02:10:38

Ching, you could find the moive o the web site now.
The story has been amended. For the original, ...
chanego 發表於 15-11-2011 11:51 PM

    今朝反工前 start bt 啦! wish can watch it tonight once back to home :43:

RRAAYY 發表於 16-11-2011 02:45:05

Story is moving soooooooo slow ................and jumped a lot !!!

wallacelei 發表於 16-11-2011 23:25:05

用咁短嘅時間去交代咁多野, 真係吃力不討好

S20081997 發表於 17-11-2011 18:05:11

Story is moving soooooooo slow ................and jumped a lot !!!
RRAAYY 發表於 16-11-2011 02:45 AM

fly ( jump )all 文戲
   only watch 動作場面 :$

Macross長谷有洋 發表於 18-11-2011 17:30:36


I am looking forward to see Bandai release GFF Metal Compositive BANSHEE. (I am sure that will happen)
Hopefully they will also release some 'old cake' MS 1/100 master grade too.

S20081997 發表於 19-11-2011 01:36:18


I am looking forward to see Bandai release GFF Metal Compositive BANSHEE. (I am sure t ...
Macross長谷有洋 發表於 18-11-2011 05:30 PM

    bro long , pls keep your $6000 for get them :78:

    bandai must make your dream come true !!:DD:DD

    #1012 Banshee
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