tdpl2620 發表於 21-7-2011 13:43:44

好心SE出番多D FF既角色啦...

華偉度諾艾德嘉 發表於 21-7-2011 13:49:32

最怕佢 d 關節 , 呢個係佢地最弱的一環

shingotaz 發表於 21-7-2011 13:50:15

playarts 真係勁爆!!!
batman 質感有驚喜, 買! MGS 唔使講又係買!
cammy 應該十分sexy, 睇實物先決定買唔買!
豪鬼個樣惡到成個"左德"咁...買買買! 阿龍仍舊地seven...不過為左比個沙包豪鬼, 都係買!
戰神又係要買! 好彩Vanquish 同halo 冇興趣, 如果唔係真係唔知點收科...

onetoy 發表於 21-7-2011 13:55:13

PLAY ARTS改獨樹一格的10吋真的給它打出一片天

改進一下才能更進取啊....BATMAN可以等ARMORED SUIT!

hkfelix1984 發表於 21-7-2011 13:57:21

另外3隻, 最有興趣係CA......呢d先叫型架嘛

hkfelix1984 發表於 21-7-2011 14:00:01


flash 發表於 21-7-2011 14:11:45

which version is this spiderman?
new movie version released already?
the figure doesn't look attractive tho, design is okay

yelland01 發表於 21-7-2011 14:12:25

回復 6# Daredaddy

你說得完全對同老變比 ML當然係貨量少 2PACK 真係好貴我就唔捨得買...
香港班孩佬都唔知點入貨... 我已經好少係香港買ML 通常都要求外國的朋友

yelland01 發表於 21-7-2011 14:13:40

回復 8# hy_fai


yelland01 發表於 21-7-2011 14:14:24

回復 11# Gackt


flash 發表於 21-7-2011 14:15:37

oh!!! best cammy figure to date!!! can't wait for it.
and hope it won't be as big as the metalgear series.....
they take up too much space.
batman is really attractive too, hope they'll do the
movie version later.

kafai1978 發表於 21-7-2011 14:16:19


tstleung678 發表於 21-7-2011 14:27:44

size ???:50:

lowa_sony 發表於 21-7-2011 14:28:35

Is anyone know when is the joker release in market?

insomniac 發表於 21-7-2011 14:31:09

呢個版本 BATMAN 好吸引! 電型版呢幾年見得太多, 反以覺得呢個有驚喜
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