Arx-7 發表於 12-6-2011 02:16:00

Kamen Gun Gun Gundam Ace~

timothy276217 發表於 12-6-2011 02:39:00

The design is...................unacceptable:67:

高機動型黑百合 發表於 12-6-2011 02:44:04

The design is...................unacceptable
timothy276217 發表於 12-6-2011 02:39 AM

end of gundam...:die:

阿噗高達 發表於 12-6-2011 02:52:02


周幼平 發表於 12-6-2011 02:56:35

幼兒向 + 超人式高達變身 + 爺孫三代 + 細佬打怪獸拯救地球

timothy276217 發表於 12-6-2011 03:16:23

end of gundam...
高機動型黑百合 發表於 12-6-2011 02:44 AM
If the story is as great as Turn A, I think it would still be worth enough to watch:35:
However, after I've read the introduction, I think this story's just like Gundam G, a non-'Gundam' story:(

gundammsz010 發表於 12-6-2011 08:10:58

WTF!very disappointing.

rekt 發表於 12-6-2011 08:49:34


starcheng 發表於 12-6-2011 08:53:15

大家o既反應就好似當年公報Trun A Gundam.....tv版
日子一過,大家都接受了Trun A Gundam......:79:

Panzer 發表於 12-6-2011 09:22:25

Very fine, can reserve money for other lines.

發表於 12-6-2011 09:38:42


hehemimi 發表於 12-6-2011 09:48:42

比 turn A 好.... :66:

Quentin 發表於 12-6-2011 09:53:45


Henry 發表於 12-6-2011 10:04:02

比 turn A 好....
hehemimi 發表於 12-6-2011 09:48 AM

你睇過Turn A未? Turn A 人物故事設定都唔差架

gn01230442 發表於 12-6-2011 10:11:53

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