【書房完成!】 模玩parts 儲存法~ 新!白色基地 The Neo WhiteBase of Gundam@EFSF
本帖最後由 Gundam@EFSF 於 29-5-2011 10:53 PM 編輯【書房完成!】 模玩parts 儲存法~ 新!白色基地 The Neo WhiteBase of Gundam@EFSF
模玩parts 儲存法... by PP cases!
See all pics in my blog!
They are my first Japanese books, memorable! I grabbed them in UML around 1983 in UML, almost 30 years ago! By the time the yen price for books is only "4 counts" i.e. X0.04! Those were the days...
模玩parts 儲存法~ Muji PP cases! Photobucket
http://i847.photobucket.com/albums/ab32/gundam9efsf/DSC_9004.jpg I really admire you. My wife will never allow me to place toys all around in my house. 大大屋企陽光咁猛,,,牆身又係白色,,,睇洛真係好舒服同精神呀 ^0^! :handshake::handshake: 可以影到好多靚相喎!!!正:71: 是空間大師的單抽儲物箱吧,這個我也買了不少
建議前面板上襯層白紙或招貼畫,因為日光也是能透過來的 最底死係地下都係白色不怕跌件或昆蟲隱身術...:) :71:
ready hope can go to :52: ready hope can go to
S20081997 發表於 30-5-2011 11:02 AM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
死佬!你係咪long time無check過你"吖鳥"個e-mail box呀:^ :handshake: 羨慕ING 兩邊窗空氣流通, 適合噴嘢:73: 好整齊, 謝謝分享!!! 有專用房, 有錢果然好辦事!!