Duraxyll 發表於 26-4-2011 02:38:46

Part III:
Hi Jay,

Yeah, I perfectly understand the whole credit given thing.It is just that the link that I sent you is one of the members who you posted the Thor figures pictures saying about how displeased he was.Their English are so so and just doesn't know a way to contact you guys, so I sent this email on their behalf.If you want them to speak to you through email themselves, I will tell them to do so then.And about a week ago, I think Gum_Ng, another fellow, email you about this too?Anyways, I do not mean to do this in any malcontent, just reflecting their wishes.Thank you very much.


Part IV:
Thanks for the heads up but we have never gotten any email from a Gum_Ng about this, our readers generally send us the links and we normally post about em giving credit where it is due so everyone can see them. I am not sure why someone would be unhappy about that, but however if an owner of any said image does have a problem or would like credit to be given in some other form then we will always listen.



Jazzblues 發表於 26-4-2011 02:40:42



冬暖夏涼小恐龍 發表於 26-4-2011 03:19:58

本帖最後由 冬暖夏涼小恐龍 於 26-4-2011 05:30 AM 編輯

同羅樂林一樣, 揚威海外~~~~~ :34:搏下俾人偷先

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 26-4-2011 07:53:48

duck哥 d相係玩具日報俾人偷貼係返玩具日報都試過,經典.
Jazzblues 發表於 26-4-2011 01:38 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

...................... :(

My photos of 1/100 G3 Milk Exclusive has been used by Japanese website for business purpose.I have sent a mail to them immediately and the photos were disappeared immediately. :)

But no reply from them... :(

martin960820 發表於 26-4-2011 07:55:55

回復 9# 無明

    你之後再影相係d相到加字 咪得囉

martin960820 發表於 26-4-2011 07:57:31

回復 1# 無明

    我都入左去睇 真係好狗 無啦啦拿左你d相 乜d人識睇中文咩?

martin960820 發表於 26-4-2011 07:59:13

回復 5# gumng


無明 發表於 26-4-2011 08:59:30

無明 發表於 26-4-2011 09:04:01

隨感一亡魂 發表於 26-4-2011 09:07:08


Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 26-4-2011 09:07:33


最重要一點,Gum_Ng兄同Nokia兄同我等TD會員的相片都被用,我相信佢地有每 ...
無明 發表於 26-4-2011 09:04 AM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Toys is my hobby and no interest in it for me at all............ :(

夜星閃 發表於 26-4-2011 09:12:20

無明 發表於 26-4-2011 09:16:12

Jazzblues 發表於 26-4-2011 09:27:16


    你都俾人放埋上去;itemid=14039]http://marvelousnews.com/index.php?catid=23&item ...
martin960820 發表於 25-4-2011 12:59 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


Jazzblues 發表於 26-4-2011 09:29:57

隨感一亡魂 發表於 25-4-2011 02:07 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

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