hitsu 發表於 14-3-2011 14:23:57

C3 last day一入

本帖最後由 hitsu 於 14-3-2011 02:26 PM 編輯

Finally got the GFFMC RX78 RO color with normal price!
And also brought Unicorn Ep.03 Blu Ray faster than normal issue!

leerold 發表於 14-3-2011 16:21:08

去到高達模型既舖位,想要果d都賣晒,最後求其買左set盒蛋走人 / . \

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 14-3-2011 16:32:51

Rollout color is a good stuff....... And I have paid for it since it newly issued in Japan.............. :(

Anyway, congratulation!

chal 發表於 14-3-2011 16:37:12

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