Rambo 發表於 22-1-2011 08:21:29

Darth Vader USB Hub with Sound !!!


This great Darth Vader USB Hub has 4 Ports and it makes the Darth Vader breathing noises when a peripheral is plugged into the device.

Estimated to Arrive
April 2011

加爾貓 發表於 22-1-2011 12:33:20


無明 發表於 22-1-2011 12:39:32

Firewalker27 發表於 22-1-2011 12:41:54


音波 發表於 22-1-2011 13:13:23


MasterGen 發表於 22-1-2011 13:39:41

本帖最後由 MasterGen 於 22-1-2011 01:40 PM 編輯

樓主個隻好似係Lucas Art自己出,感覺上唔夠之前日本仔出呢隻靚!
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