Macross長谷有洋 發表於 31-12-2010 18:47:15

:73:great info

angelheart 發表於 31-12-2010 18:49:48

睇到您呢篇介紹真係好感動, 本人亦都係黃金戰士嘅愛好者, 以上有好幾盒模型玩具我都曾經擁有過. 時 ...
nea 發表於 31-12-2010 06:19 PM

Don't worry, you still can find them in Hong Kong and not expensive

kar 發表於 31-12-2010 19:34:00

強貼留名~~~ 支持!!!!!! good good good

nea 發表於 31-12-2010 20:27:00

回復 17# angelheart

    師兄, 多謝您嘅回覆:64:
我想問吓hk出嘅series ok唔ok? 難唔難買? 我喺網到見到佢哋已經出咗幾隻, 好似幾好咁:?

angelheart 發表於 31-12-2010 20:53:58


    師兄, 多謝您嘅回覆
我想問吓hk出嘅series ok唔ok? 難 ...
nea 發表於 31-12-2010 08:27 PM

I bought one of them, it's ok but they just issue 3 characters, and now those of Japan are really cheap now

聖鬥士紫龍 發表於 31-12-2010 20:58:56


nea 發表於 31-12-2010 21:02:48

回復 20# angelheart

   師兄, 唔該晒您先呀~ 我想知港製嗰隻貴唔貴? d日製嘅又ok唔ok, 難唔難搵? 唔好意思, 太多問題... 因為係廿幾年情意結同心願...:help:

angelheart 發表於 31-12-2010 21:25:20


   師兄, 唔該晒您先呀~ 我想知港製嗰隻貴唔貴? d日製嘅又ok唔ok, 難唔 ...
nea 發表於 31-12-2010 09:02 PM

I forget the exact price of those issued by Hong Kong, but there's big sale of Japanese one in Hung Hum toy store, and it is worth to buy.The quality is really ok for those reissued Japanese toys.I sure you would like them.

nea 發表於 31-12-2010 21:44:59

回復 23# angelheart

    Thx bro, I'll go n check that out when I arrive~ Happy new year and best wishes to you~

samlka 發表於 31-12-2010 21:49:59

Great! I like it very much

山吹老師 發表於 31-12-2010 21:57:01


wunba 發表於 31-12-2010 22:23:37


gazza1211 發表於 31-12-2010 22:45:26

detail enough.

lkoko 發表於 31-12-2010 23:03:44


chunto0731 發表於 31-12-2010 23:20:13

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