Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 31-8-2010 17:30:41


這個獨角獸最讓人不滿是不能變型,武器亦只係隨便掛在背上,讓有人種攞命300 ...
bananaman 發表於 31-8-2010 07:43 AM

For the weapon design, it is no doubt that strange............... :(

But for the toys quality, it is good casue all articulation points are tighten to carry any weapons on hand!May be it will be my best buy@2010.:shy:

花少爺 發表於 31-8-2010 20:22:23

GVG Next 絕活, 獻給被我幹掉的各機師......

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 31-8-2010 21:23:26

GVG Next 絕活, 獻給被我幹掉的各機師......
德哥,洗唔洗咁串呀你??仲記我嗎??我兩曾經在動漫節排隊 ...
花少爺 發表於 31-8-2010 08:22 PM

Of course yes and hope to have a fight with u again in near future.:shy:

roundtable 發表於 31-8-2010 23:13:42

本帖最後由 roundtable 於 31-8-2010 11:15 PM 編輯

多謝解釋...因為我無睇過小說唔知佢點解有紅同綠的分別...講真個句, 紅色靚好多, 而且綠色..俾我感覺好 ...
kyostanley 發表於 31-8-2010 09:59 AM
綠色既 psycho frame 唔應該係想抄 gundam 00,而係承接返馬沙之反擊既結局
阿寶發動 nu gundam 既 psycho frame 表演神蹟果陣就係咁既綠色

晌 unicorn 身上既綠色,大概係反映男主角終於可以駕馭 NT-D 掛

gundamrx782 發表於 1-9-2010 00:36:07

本帖最後由 gundamrx782 於 1-9-2010 12:37 AM 編輯


小說裡頭無提及原因... 但有講過... AE社嘅技術員曾話過Distory Mode時Psycho Frame理應 ...
小櫻 發表於 31-8-2010 09:04 AM
綠色我覺得都係想呼應返Nu gundam推隕石時發出既顏色

panzer_jimmy 發表於 1-9-2010 00:43:55


Good to see you have mood for toy report~

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 1-9-2010 07:39:44


Good to see you have mood for toy report~
panzer_jimmy 發表於 1-9-2010 12:43 AM

Thx pal~~~~~~ :shy:

Feel better now but the mood will be lowest on Friday. :(

tallgeese 發表於 4-9-2010 23:31:31

Thx pal~~~~~~

Feel better now but the mood will be lowest on Friday.
Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 1-9-2010 07:39 AM

請問德哥隻fix 關節鬆繁度如何?

Borbor 發表於 4-9-2010 23:57:24

:71::71:nice report

RRAAYY 發表於 5-9-2010 00:01:42

:71: ... but the price .... :70:

fktuen 發表於 5-9-2010 01:22:37

This Unicorn is a nice toys with lots of details~~ :71:
thanks for the nice post!

Macross長谷有洋 發表於 5-9-2010 05:17:57

great photos and report.:71:

too expensive for this size...
perfer to saving up for GFF MC Banshee- I am sure Bandai will release it oneday!:73:

Lau 發表於 5-9-2010 06:22:50

我都覺得不是 Full Armor,只是多了些武器吧。

Garycharm 發表於 5-9-2010 08:00:50

回復 9# 小櫻


Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 5-9-2010 10:51:53

great photos and report.

too expensive for this size...
perfer to saving up for GFF MC Bansh ...
Macross長谷有洋 發表於 5-9-2010 05:17 AM

Ot is a MUST for Bandai.......... :(But I still willing to pay for Banshee.:D

... but the price ....
RRAAYY 發表於 5-9-2010 12:01 AM

Cheap now!:(

請問德哥隻fix 關節鬆繁度如何?
tallgeese 發表於 4-9-2010 11:31 PM

Apart from the back shield with guns, all parts fixed well!:)
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