太陽之牙 發表於 5-2-2007 00:04:27


1st. Scopedog 系列
2nd Fatty 系列 (同WalkerMachine大大一樣…)
3rd Blood Sucker

Gastydog出自超任Game "The Battling Road", 此外某PS遊戲都有出過場。Gastydog雖然從未在動畫中出現過, 但我覺得其設計係云云AT中top class之作! 可惜除左GGP出過1/48 G-kit外, 就冇再出過任何玩具…

5th Scallop SL
Scallop SL只在超任Game "The Battling Road"中出現, 係game中最終boss(中間boss係上圖Gastydog左手邊隻龜龜)。最初出現時好似高達NT-1咁披住裝甲, 打一輪先現出真身。又係超型的design, 可惜又係只出過1/48 G-kit…

呢兩隻都唔知有冇機會再出模型或玩具, 實在係裝甲騎兵fans既憾事:die:

(以上圖像來自小弟珍藏的94年Hobby Japan Extra)

MAX 發表於 5-2-2007 02:27:33

原文章由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 3-2-2007 10:42 PM 發表
悶悶地..................... 問吓各弟兄最鍾意邊部 AT!:):):)

My best choice............................. Rabidily Dog~~~~~~~~~~~~:love:


Panzer 發表於 5-2-2007 09:34:08

原文章由 黑色三連敗 於 3-2-2007 10:17 AM 發表

Yes brother, she must be in the story as Fayana had told her to take care of Chirico for her before her death.

Panzer 發表於 5-2-2007 09:37:28

原文章由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 3-2-2007 10:42 PM 發表
悶悶地..................... 問

ikkithefool 發表於 5-2-2007 10:21:17

Brother Walker Machine,

I've read the description of Hobby Japan carefully.
And it says there are die cast parts (on the foot area I think, cos that image is showing it is posing a off balance pose, and decribed as something like "due to it has die-cast parts, so it can pose like this", etc........)

Hope there are not only the burglary dogs's parts, but all option parts of scopedog variations........ (more than 5000 yen wo.........)

And if you look carefully on the elbow area, this is the new design of "Commando Vorct", hope they'll lauch the 6 variations of the team.

Panzer 發表於 5-2-2007 11:13:12

原文章由 ikkithefool 於 5-2-2007 10:21 AM 發表
Brother Walker Machine,

I've read the description of Hobby Japan carefully.
And it says there are die cast parts (on the foot area I think, cos that image is showing it is posing a off balance...
Yes brother, at the start of Commando in HJ, they have invited all designers of the original votom series and that means some commercial forces have made its move already.(Sunrise and Takara of course) I still insist Takara should issue turtle, strike dog, rapidly dog and Zwerg first, cause Takara is always 爛尾.

ikkithefool 發表於 5-2-2007 12:04:18


for the rest of the ATs from TV series, I'm waiting for Berserga DT and RabidlyDog (I like RabidlyDog more than StrikeDogs personally).

And turtles too,....... turtles are very nicely designed, looks so vintagely made!!

黑色三連敗 發表於 5-2-2007 12:49:42

原文章由 fallout8 於 3-2-2007 09:42 PM 發表

好奇問下..離緊個隻1/18 scopedog II大大有冇打算入手呢?



黑色三連敗 發表於 5-2-2007 12:52:35

原文章由 Panzer 於 5-2-2007 09:34 AM 發表

Yes brother, she must be in the story as Fayana had told her to take care of Chirico for her before her death.

Her fighting skill is much better than Fiona and Chirico, hope that she will be in the new series!!! ~~ :)

Panzer 發表於 5-2-2007 12:55:05

原文章由 黑色三連敗 於 5-2-2007 12:49 PM 發表

1/18 scale, this time is much better (with the new hand), but still: TURBO CUSTOM! I will wait for the Turbo and if possible, change the joint of the arm and use the new design.

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 5-2-2007 13:02:45

原文章由 Panzer 於 5-2-2007 12:55 PM 發表

1/18 scale, this time is much better (with the new hand), but still: TURBO CUSTOM! I will wait for the Turbo and if possible, change the joint of the arm and use the new design.

I,m the one who cannot wait.No matter how cheap afterwards.Get Scopedog II after it newly issued!:(

Panzer 發表於 5-2-2007 13:10:09

原文章由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 5-2-2007 01:02 PM 發表

I,m the one who cannot wait.No matter how cheap afterwards.Get Scopedog II after it newly issued!:(

Ha Ha Brother, still got space in your house? The size is ... BIG! Very difficult to smuggle indeed.:sad:

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 5-2-2007 13:15:01

原文章由 Panzer 於 5-2-2007 01:10 PM 發表

Ha Ha Brother, still got space in your house? The size is ... BIG! Very difficult to smuggle indeed.:sad:

That's really a problem cause the height of my display cabinet is less than 12" for a floor................. So, my 12" figures need to place on my PC desk.......................... :no:

Panzer 發表於 5-2-2007 13:19:20

Hope you can find the space, the only 1/18 size model in my house is a Delogan from the Back to the future, consider to buy a 1/18 Chirico and put hime in the car.

WalkerMachine 發表於 5-2-2007 13:32:49

原文章由 ikkithefool 於 5-2-2007 10:21 AM 發表
Brother Walker Machine,
I've read the description of Hobby Japan carefully.
And it says there are die cast parts (on the foot area I think, cos that image is showing it is posing a off balance...
kekeekee , so I was right for rthe diecast, I am so smart ~~~ :DD:DD
I hope there's more discast parts than "just the feet" , sthg like THS-01 will be fine to me.
Now wait and see if the cockpit and pilot will be prepainted as I guess...
原文章由 Panzer 於 5-2-2007 11:13 AM 發表
Yes brother, at the start of Commando in HJ, they have invited all designers of the original votom series and that means some commercial forces have made its move already.(Sunrise and Takara of c ...
Takara ! READ MY LIPS ! Release all 1/48 ATs from TV serie first !!!! We will pay what ever need to pay ! :blame:
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