無綾兩 發表於 28-2-2010 18:54:31


Letter@真理之門 發表於 1-3-2010 00:29:56

未睇過e套作品 ,

好有心機ge POST~~:71:

whitedol 發表於 1-3-2010 01:28:24


百龍天舞 發表於 1-3-2010 01:36:14


dragonman 發表於 1-3-2010 10:46:07

我果隻連企都企唔穩 :55:

黑色三連敗 發表於 1-3-2010 11:48:22

正 ~~~ :shiny:

x-maniacs 發表於 1-3-2010 11:53:21

tommypaly 發表於 1-3-2010 19:06:31

回復 14# ultramanzoffy

    玩具係figma!!   角色係來自 [模型神童三四郎]!!

hondacl7 發表於 2-3-2010 00:12:00

模型神童三四郎 is also one of my favorite from 漫週.I like both 漫畫 & TV version.My first and only figma are 柔王丸 & 櫻姬 pair.But I am not able to put up such creative pose as big big you did!I remembered I used to have the 1/3 柔王丸 model kit(dun remember am I have the 1:1 too) and never build them but they just disappeared somehow!I wish I can have the 1:1 tv version again!

btw I hate 狂四郎! what a crappy knock off of 三四郎! and I hate bandai even release the MG of the horrible perfect Gundam!:53:

S20081997 發表於 2-3-2010 00:46:29


S20081997 發表於 2-3-2010 00:48:04

模型神童三四郎 is also one of my favorite from 漫週.I like both 漫畫 & TV version.My first and o ...
hondacl7 發表於 2-3-2010 12:12 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gifI saw it at 漫週2 :shiny::shiny:

Garycharm 發表於 2-3-2010 00:55:35

大大一定係三四郎 fans,仲要係漫畫版!!!

DEVIL_BOY 發表於 2-3-2010 21:03:19


hsjohn 發表於 2-3-2010 22:16:13

Really so great. Cool {:2_122:}

sos2sos 發表於 2-3-2010 23:55:27

d 動作好正 :71:
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