本帖最後由 hehemimi 於 20-1-2010 01:51 PM 編輯一upload就出error...唔知多唔多人有依個情況?
We are all facing this problem.
Please wait. 多謝gggg版主回覆...但最奇怪有d人得有d人唔得...我試過用IE8,IE6,Firefox.3.5.5 多謝gggg版主回覆...但最奇怪有d人得有d人唔得...我試過用IE8,IE6,Firefox.3.5.5
hehemimi 發表於 20/1/2010 19:08 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
I have tried IE6, IE 8, Opera, Firefox, google chrome, opera mini 4, opera mini 5 beta 2, pocket IE and opera mobile. I also tried 3 ISPs from my office, smartone vodafone and PCCW.
All methods also fail.
Some people succeeded , while other failed. This is the funny point, we are looking into this matter.
Thanl you for your attention.