巴武藏 發表於 20-11-2009 11:25:32


benbenben4213 發表於 20-11-2009 11:26:41


有無考慮過好似邵六叔咁同 D 菜一齊合照

sphinxhouse 發表於 20-11-2009 11:30:48

勁勁勁勁勁勁~如果要show出來,唔買豪宅都唔惦.c hing加油

tongnc2002 發表於 20-11-2009 11:56:06

無做戴頓斯 attack 真係可惜:58:

馬仔 發表於 20-11-2009 11:58:50

我家中有技ak-47, 專殺大老虎, 一定幫到你:34:

Good Collection.:71:

lair911 發表於 20-11-2009 12:07:10

Have to support this one. Wonderful collection you have there eventhough I am not a Macross fan.

evilalive 發表於 20-11-2009 12:20:56

Awesome collection. 100% support:71:

D-E-V-I-L 發表於 20-11-2009 12:38:15

NeeBee 發表於 20-11-2009 12:54:00

正 !!!:71: :71: :71: Ionly have VF-11B and VF-19 :56:

bad-aries 發表於 20-11-2009 12:54:26

kinkin6677 發表於 20-11-2009 13:00:16



Firewalker27 發表於 20-11-2009 13:30:22

回覆 1# 的文章

好強勁的飛機庫. 樓主真係超級Macross Fans!:71:

roundbun 發表於 20-11-2009 13:31:43

回覆 1# 的文章

..you're really crazy man.. you've been in the macross hole for just a bit more than one year, right?

fatcheong 發表於 20-11-2009 13:38:42


Panzer 發表於 20-11-2009 13:42:41

Very very spectular view!:71:
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