Devilish 發表於 15-7-2009 00:02:25


ilovetoys 發表於 15-7-2009 00:57:22


Shiro 發表於 15-7-2009 01:15:35

原帖由 無綾兩 於 14-7-2009 11:06 PM 發表
:72:師兄, 我個機場客滿啦, 無位啦. 唔好再毒我啦.:72:

Just ordered VF-0S and SV-51 Ivanov....I thought I could ignore Nora and VF-0A.....I would like to say this too: 唔好再毒我啦!!!!:53:

BlackAce 發表於 15-7-2009 01:16:08

:shiny: 整得好鬼靚, 可以分享一下製作過程嗎? :77:

:$ 睇完又再睇! :71: :71:

呂品器 發表於 15-7-2009 08:34:07

原帖由 Shiro 於 15-7-2009 01:15 AM 發表

Just ordered VF-0S and SV-51 Ivanov....I thought I could ignore Nora and VF-0A.....I would like to say this too: 唔好再毒我啦!!!!:53:



加上奸角機之少,更加增加人既購買慾...:75: :75: :75:

F-14 發表於 15-7-2009 08:36:33

:64: 多謝各位 CHings 支持.Frankly, I thought that many CHings may prefer a clean SV-51 to this dirty one.:(

原帖由 呂品器 於 14-7-2009 08:38 PM 發表
:blame: 搞錯呀!

我而家對住屋企果件冇哂feel了 :*

CHing 言重, 庸脂俗粉而已....:64:Thanks for support.

[ 本帖最後由 F-14 於 15-7-2009 09:08 AM 編輯 ]

Warmblood 發表於 15-7-2009 08:54:23

:71: good job.....................:71:

F-14 發表於 15-7-2009 09:07:04

原帖由 Raider 於 14-7-2009 11:53 PM 發表
好有心機的作品, 花了不少時間吧.
部機執過之後似一件大型手辦展品, 沒有了玩具那種膠feel, 好迫真.:D
另外想問下那機場地板在那裏找來? 韋基利1/60 & 1/48 我也有很多架(最愛MAX夫妻紅藍機), 好想像大大那樣造一 ...

:64: Brother Raider, actually the 機場地板 is just a cardboard bought from eBay for 1/48 warplanes.It is expensive and not recommended from the angle of value for money:26: .Thanks for your support!:64:

santa 發表於 15-7-2009 09:26:23


F-14 發表於 15-7-2009 09:27:37

原帖由 Warmblood 於 15-7-2009 08:54 AM 發表
:71: good job.....................:71:

:64: Thanks for support, Brother Blood.You know, owing to your "<依度剛果潛水艇.....發現301.........要求截擊>" and the three SV-51 appeared in your photo (22# in my VF-0S post), I need to re-write (update) my story... :shy: :43: .

sam1984111 發表於 15-7-2009 10:14:50

原帖由 呂品器 於 14-7-2009 08:38 PM 發表
:blame: 搞錯呀!

我而家對住屋企果件冇哂feel了 :*





F-14 發表於 15-7-2009 10:58:22

原帖由 sam1984111 於 15-7-2009 10:14 AM 發表





:50:   The 原意 of my post is to show brothers the great potential and possibility (可塑性) (and, of course, playability) of Yamato's planes..... .:80:

[ 本帖最後由 F-14 於 16-7-2009 03:14 PM 編輯 ]

F-14 發表於 15-7-2009 14:00:51

原帖由 gogoring 於 14-7-2009 10:52 PM 發表
原帖由 Devilish 於 15-7-2009 12:02 AM 發表

:64: The fact is that my plane is just a result of repeated "trial and error":68:......      As a start, I used Tamiya's enamel paint 琺瑯油 (black + brown) for a wash (洗塗)/滲線, and make the desired weathering effects bit by bit (just as what I did to my VF-0S).Then I applied layers of gloss topcoat (光油) as protection and to make the rough plane surface smoother (i.e.less plastic feel).Maybe, due to the purplish-red colour of the plane, the effect of my weathering is not so desirable and obvious as I thought.:42:   The project was then shelved for a while until I saw airaseal Big Big's wonderful weathered 1/60 VF-1S at SDF-1!:shiny:   Instead of using pastel as airaseal Big Big did, I use Tamiya's weathering powder (舊化粉) extensively on the plane surface (that's why the plane is quite dirty) followed by a layer of gloss/semi-gloss topcoat (光/半光油).The plastic feel was reduced to a large extent as Brothers see it.:shy:

Thanks for Dai Dai's watching.:64:

[ 本帖最後由 F-14 於 15-7-2009 08:57 PM 編輯 ]

dragonman 發表於 16-7-2009 09:36:17

好靚 :handshake:

riderfun 發表於 16-7-2009 12:07:56

原帖由 F-14 於 15-7-2009 02:00 PM 發表

:64: The fact is that my plane is just a result of repeated "trial and error":68:......      As a start, I used Tamiya's enamel paint 琺瑯油 (black + brown) for a wash (洗塗)/滲線, and make the...

Your weathering effect is terrific!:D
May I know the type of gloss/semi-gloss topcoat (光/半光油) is tamiya brand? Also, I want to know it is spray can or it is a kind of liquid need to be used with spray gun? Do you have the model #? I want to apply this to my 1J!:64:
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查看完整版本: ** 舊物新滲(二) 之 Macross Zero 1/60 SV-51γ (Nora type) **