你地會睇3d or normal 呢!?
廁所仔 發表於 20-5-2012 08:47 PM
I would perfer to watch 'normal' version. '3D' version will take aways some details from the screen and force you to focus only some part of the screen at one time.
However I am sure I will end up watching both versions...:73:
我之後講既野…就劇透啦 ...
原罪 發表於 9-6-2012 02:52 AM
wow thanks for these clips, i now know why they hired Guy P to play an old man (instead of just use an old man to do it). seems like there will are many supplementary materials and deleted scenes to tell the full story.
I watch IMAX version................... what a great movie ! Love it so much !!! But may be the original version is too long, story is not so smooth in some parts of it.