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發表於 18-10-2011 03:28:38 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Tachikoma 於 18-10-2011 03:30 AM 編輯
回復  Tachikoma

Yes, I do agree that this world we live in have many 詞語 like「假設」「模型」「 ...
asy5912000 發表於 17-10-2011 07:41 PM
所以我説:「不完全agree」 而唔係「不agree」(But I would say we do this all the time in our lives. Even in science we are more or less practicing our Faith)囉
但係 你都識講Plato himself define 知識 as ' justified true belief'. >「被證實/有正當理由的真實的信仰」LA
如果咁都能跟「Faith」「believe」混同 那我話某某「係男人」時 是否等同我同時話某某「係好男人」「係美男人」「係堅強的男人」呢?
正如我亦於161#回應老文時説:「同意 那 牧師有無同你講埋 所謂「信」都分不同層次 並當中的分別?」
而你亦透過:「And knowledge is one of the basis of science............I'm not saying religious faith. I am saying the Faith we have in science believing it is true and correct.」部份地講出了此「faith」不同彼「faith」 很好
但 即使正如你提出的:「No scientists can go all the way back to the fundamentals and start proving them all again. He/she would have died before he/she finishes justifying all his/her beliefs are true by Himself/Herself.」
亦會否忽略了讓人們決定所謂「put good faith」前的各類思考方法呢?
hope that it is true一定是「put good faith」地hope的嗎?可不可以「存疑」地hope?
請問 在你心目中 要去到多大程度的「proving」才可稱為「事實」而不是「信仰」呢?
發表於 18-10-2011 09:58:23 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Tachikoma

Yes, I do agree that this world we live in have many 詞語 like「假設」「模型」「 ...
asy5912000 發表於 17-10-2011 07:41 PM


發表於 19-10-2011 01:13:55 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 180# Tachikoma

that's why I have added 'with the understanding and knowledge you have' before 'only christians will believe first then research'....
發表於 19-10-2011 01:36:33 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 181# Tachikoma

proving has 不同程度? Please enlighten me.
Of course可以「存疑」地hope, that's why we have theory and conjecture.
But for theorems, then you can't 「存疑」地hope it's true because by definition theorem always holds true. And there must be a cornerstone which everything builds on and develop from that. And that cornerstone you can't 「存疑」地hope it's true. Like all your replies for me are based on the logic you have in your brain, would you 「存疑」地hope that your logic is correct?

And Tachikoma big big, the reason I kept asking you questions is because you seem to the most rational in this thread and hence would like you to share your thoughts and see if there's something I can learn.

And finally you've asked me the question that I wanted to ask you at the first place because I am not sure what's the answer is. What truth really is? What differs from truth and faith? Do you think science is true? If yes, what's your reason to justify science is true?

Please share your thoughts. Thank you.
發表於 19-10-2011 01:44:21 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 182# 呂品器

Hi 呂品器 big big,
What is the difference between trust and faith in your opinion?
發表於 19-10-2011 01:50:21 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 184# asy5912000

Wait, does fact=truth?

Please share your thought as well, many thanks again!!
發表於 20-10-2011 08:31:28 | 顯示全部樓層
Tachikoma 兄:我只看你口裏雖說接納各方會員意見,但卻見十多頁post中只見大部分篇幅都是你佔用來[護教]解釋之用~~~

其實~會員們跟現今大多數香港人一樣,是十分討厭和抗拒教會用這種硬銷方法[hard sell]喋喋不休的去傳教,硬要人家接納己方的宗教的一切!而你正就是犯了這個大忌,也就是現今天主/基督徒們經常不自覺地做出這種惹人討厭的行為~~~~




發表於 20-10-2011 13:49:40 | 顯示全部樓層

真是以為我地是天真X呀! 最吾like就是連自已都吾確定就作到大一大, 但X童,收錢,其它,其它,又吾拍套戲出來,........:53::53::blame::blame:......
發表於 20-10-2011 16:12:27 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Tachikoma

that's why I have added 'with the understanding and knowledge you have' before ' ...
asy5912000 發表於 19-10-2011 01:13 AM
那 你是否想指出I really haven't heard from any other 的意思同with the understanding and knowledge (I) have一様呢?尤其是 你自己已提過某某define 知識 as ' justified true belief'時
發表於 20-10-2011 16:14:05 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Tachikoma 於 20-10-2011 10:32 PM 編輯
回復  Tachikoma

proving has 不同程度? Please enlighten me.
asy5912000 發表於 19-10-2011 01:36 AM
發表於 20-10-2011 16:17:14 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Tachikoma

Of course可以「存疑」地hope, that's why we have theory and conjecture.  ...would you 「存疑」地hope that your logic is correct?
asy5912000 發表於 19-10-2011 01:36 AM
是 我「存疑」地hope that 「我的想法」 is correct 
發表於 20-10-2011 16:19:34 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Tachikoma
And finally you've asked me the question that I wanted to ask you at the first place「?」:66:
asy5912000 發表於 19-10-2011 01:36 AM
你浪費咁多時間黎玩打稻草人之後至講D咁野?你會認為 跟一個明知別人意思不是他故意要扭曲的那様郤仍再三嘗試的人繼續討論「即使係最無關痛癢既野」是一個你口中的 seem to the most rational in this thread的人會樂意去做的嗎?玩文字遊戲並唔係我入呢度既目的lo. goodluck! 
發表於 20-10-2011 16:44:00 | 顯示全部樓層
Tachikoma 兄:我只看你口裏雖說接納各方會員意見,但卻見十多頁post中只見大部分篇幅都是你佔用來[護教]解釋 ...
G-man 發表於 20-10-2011 08:31 AM
我無説過「接納各方會員意見」 我説的是:「因為當我講(只要係「有理據地」)時 是同時容許對方「有理據地」提出反對的」
我亦不是在反對「經歴」 而是「質疑」「無理據地」要求人「信左先」至>「經歴」或「研究」 及「經歴」對「証實所信」的有效性這點
有人發表了一些看法 我提出我不同意的理由就是在硬銷/推銷自己的???嗎?
發表於 21-10-2011 00:23:48 | 顯示全部樓層
我無説過「接納各方會員意見」 我説的是:「因為當我講(只要係「有理據地」)時 是同時容許 ...
Tachikoma 發表於 20-10-2011 04:44 PM

發表於 21-10-2011 14:33:52 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 194# 原罪
我估 其實唔會好多人在見我在此討論中運用「叮當」時 會真係以為我只是單純為了開玩笑的吧:42: 
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