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[趣味] 挪亞方舟

發表於 16-10-2011 16:54:14 | 顯示全部樓層
除了第一個運用不妥當外「因互相攻擊係一種行動 而叮當是一個(人物)」 其他的運用即「其次 亦不認同  ...
Tachikoma 發表於 16-10-2011 04:19 PM

發表於 16-10-2011 19:24:49 | 顯示全部樓層
一係小弟就係厚顏 ...
原罪 發表於 16-10-2011 04:09 PM



    *(張)你想不想 吻一吻
        傾國傾城 是我大名

    (梅)蒙羅麗莎 只是一幅畫 如何艷壓天下
       皇朝外的 伊莉莎白 誰來跪拜她
    (張)夢露若果 莊重高雅 何來絕世佳話
       紅顏 禍水 錦上添花 教你蕩產傾家

    #(合)唯獨是天姿國色 不可一世 天生我高貴艷麗到底
        顛倒眾生 吹灰不費 收你做我的迷(得我艷與天齊)

    (張)你敢不敢 抱一抱
       瘋魔一時 是我罪名

    (梅)羅蘭自稱 芳名蘇菲亞 男孩就會倒下
       如能獲得 芭鐸親一下 鐵塔亦會垮
    (張)怕你甚麼 稱王稱霸 來臣服我之下
       銀河艷星 單人匹馬 勝過漫天煙花

    Repeat #,(#) #,(#) * *
轉載來自 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網
發表於 16-10-2011 19:28:14 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Tachikoma

英語中的I really haven't heard 「from other but 乜乜乜」跟only 乜乜乜 are of cou ...
asy5912000 發表於 16-10-2011 04:25 PM
既然你是知道I really haven't heard from other but 乜乜乜 不等同 only 乜乜乜「才會」 那為何你在116#還明知故問地説 「Do you mean only...... 」?
請不要再試圖扭曲我的發言好嗎? 因我從未曾説過「只有你同一些耶敎徒才會説研究係要「信左先」個喎」 亦無作任何「暗示」 否則亦不會問CD-ROM「可以請教下你師承何處嗎?」 係咪? 
發表於 16-10-2011 19:32:11 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Tachikoma

And I do agree with you that 信 is not just something in your mind because it always involves a behaviour/action/consequence afterwards. In religion, we call this practicing your Faith. But I would say we do this all the time in our lives. Even in science we are more or less practicing our Faith. Do you agree?
asy5912000 發表於 16-10-2011 04:25 PM
不完全agree 因這世上還有以下詞語:「假設」「模型」「理論」「定律」「知識」等等 均不能跟「Faith」「believe」等混同
發表於 16-10-2011 19:33:15 | 顯示全部樓層
不過小弟都覺得亂…同睇唔係幾明…sorry我理 ...
原罪 發表於 16-10-2011 04:54 PM
發表於 17-10-2011 02:29:44 | 顯示全部樓層
不過小弟都覺得亂…同睇唔係幾明…sorry我理 ...
原罪 發表於 16-10-2011 04:54 PM
首先講黒字「只要係」<我的原話 而老文把他改為「現在只要係我個人覺得」 那完全不是我發言時的態度 
因為當我講(只要係「有理據地」)時 是同時容許對方「有理據地」提出反對的 而老文把他一改為「現在只要係我個人覺得」時 恐怕會變成有種不理對方理據「無有效反對下」而堅持己見的感覺 而這改變亦無關正在使用的類比論證 故特此修正
其次講紅字(所信的) 因講緊既係「信仰、信念」如要類比爲「的叮當」等而不加上(所信的) 將可能發生以下錯誤:「以實際存在之人物如親友等」類比「信仰、信念」 故特此補充 
修正了這兩點後 他的類比好好喎 同我的意思一模一樣 仲有乜問題?:57:

發表於 17-10-2011 02:45:35 | 顯示全部樓層
首先講黒字「只要係」<我的原話 而老文把他改為「現在只要係我個人覺得」 那完全不是我發言時的態 ...
Tachikoma 發表於 17-10-2011 02:29 AM

發表於 17-10-2011 02:47:05 | 顯示全部樓層
首先 我覺得 用「互相攻擊」來形容「這帖的大部份發言者?」 似乎唔係好中喎
其次 亦不認同 「任何對 ...
Tachikoma 發表於 16-10-2011 02:13

發表於 17-10-2011 02:52:28 | 顯示全部樓層
七國咁亂 發表於 17-10-2011 02:47 AM
如抱不同意見 何不分享一下?
發表於 17-10-2011 02:57:55 | 顯示全部樓層
如抱不同意見 何不分享一下?
Tachikoma 發表於 17-10-2011 02:52

發表於 17-10-2011 03:05:35 | 顯示全部樓層
原罪 發表於 17-10-2011 02:45 AM
唔駛客氣 其實 或者用以下「信仰、信念」例子來説明 會否易明D?
發表於 17-10-2011 03:07:52 | 顯示全部樓層
七國咁亂 發表於 17-10-2011 02:57 AM
發表於 17-10-2011 19:17:51 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 168# Tachikoma

Sorry that I might have twisted your saying, Tachikoma big big.
Perhaps you really didn't mean what I said but I would argue that my logical deduction is still correct, Just like in mathematics, when I say 'Apart from zero, all other real numbers are either positive or negative' do have an implication of 'only zero is neither positive nor negative'. I am not twisting my own statement but I am using logic to deduce if the statement has any further implication. If you said I have twisted 扭曲 your 發言, then I may just use your same argument to say that you have 扭曲 what the Bible said
發表於 17-10-2011 19:41:46 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 169# Tachikoma

Yes, I do agree that this world we live in have many 詞語 like「假設」「模型」「理論」「定律」「知識. However any language is finite and limited, soon you will run out of words when try to define and explain what certain words mean. Hence there must be a basis of something that you cannot define and in the hope that when you say these words out other people will have a similiar belief/view as you have. You say '知識'不能跟「Faith」「believe」混同, but they are all closely related. There is a part of belief when you define '知識' if 知識=knowledge in English.
Plato (I'm sure you do know who he is) himself define 知識 as ' justified true belief'. If the element of belief does not exist in knowledge, then by Plato it is not really knowledge. And knowledge is one of the basis of science. The development/advance of science relies heavily in the knowledge we learnt from the people before us. No scientists can go all the way back to the fundamentals and start proving them all again. He/she would have died before he/she finishes justifying all his/her beliefs are true by Himself/Herself. In reality, they all put good faith in the knowledge they already have, taught by someone in the hope that it is true. Hence my saying 'Even in science we are more or less practicing our Faith'. One more clarification, when I say science is practicing Faith, I'm not saying religious faith. I am saying the Faith we have in science believing it is true and correct.

It might be a bit long but please thoroughly read through what I said and I look forward to hearing your opinion.
發表於 18-10-2011 03:00:33 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Tachikoma

Sorry that I might have twisted your saying, Tachikoma big big.
Perhaps you rea ...
asy5912000 發表於 17-10-2011 07:17 PM
你的説法:「Apart from zero, all other real numbers are either positive or negative」>「除零之外,其他實數都是正或負數」?
又would imply that又further implication咁 你不如0係度一次過講埋 我爭你幾多錢好唔好?
至於你反指我扭曲Bible 請指出在那帖 讓大家一同看看是否確有其事好嗎?
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