發表於 4-4-2010 11:01:29
本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 4-4-2010 11:36 AM 編輯

Acute pancreatitis is a painful disease. It is the inflammation of the pancreas ( your pancreas is actually melting down). This organ is located just behind your stomach. It will cause severe pain if you lie down and relieved by leaning forward.
The possible causes include:
connective tissue disease: may be the underlying occult disease for your erythema nodosum.
Alcohol intake.
Steroid: most likely cause in your case.
The diagnosis is made by checking an enzyme in your blood called AMYLASE.
3 x normal or > 1000 is pancreatitis.
Urgent ultrasound of abdomen or CT of abdomen is definitely needed.
If gallstone is suspected, sometimes they will do an endoscopic guided removal of stone by means of ERCP.
The mean stay of treatment incude
1.complete bedrest
2.stop eating: eating will stimulate to release more enzymes, further irritate your pancreas.
3.pain killing.
4. intravenous fluid
5. antibiotics to prevent secondary infection and complication of your inflammed pancreas e.g. abscess, pseudocyst or gallstone related obstruction.
6.ERCP: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography to remove the gallstones
7.Surgery as last resort: only if failure in respond, low blood pressure, secondary pancreatitic infection.
Since you can still play with your PSP, so you should not be very toxic, so I think your case should be a mild one.
If surgery is not needed, I think 1-2W should be enough. As long as your amylase is coming down, pain subsides and no complication is noted, it should be OK.
Doug, take more rest.
If possible, could you ask your doctor to give me some of your investigation results:
White cell count
Base excess
Ultrasound or CT abdomen result.
Keep in touch.
For your reference:
http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/pancreatitis/ |