發表於 25-2-2010 23:24:03
今天大學生的人工如何又怎樣?一份人工不夠,有無主動諗過揾多份呢?定晚晚坐在家上網打 on line game 呢?今天的樓價真的咁貴嗎?97 年嘉湖山莊要 4仟幾蚊一尺,近期最新成交價是 $2412 一尺,但今天息口仍不及 97 的一半,還有,今天西鐵已開通,不是應更有價值嗎?先不說這幾年才出來工作的新鮮人,很多如我已做了十多年工的人,仍呻買不到樓,我倒想問在 02~03 的樓市低潮期,為什麼沒買樓呢?今天又嗌樓貴呢?
hk小文 發表於 25-2-2010 08:45 PM 
so, why the people shouldnt complaint when the situation is getting worse?
according to what you say, even the monthly salary is 3k per month for university students, it is still the problem of the students, but not a problem in the whole society?
The problem is, when the house price and other expenditure are rising faster than the salary, that means the life of the people is getting harder and harder. When people foresee that it is almost impossible to have their own house, that means future life is not secured even they work hard, then of course people will complaint. |