Ghost Rider 鬼騎士,惡靈戰警
我的英文不太好:no:sorry 套star wars限定組灣仔問過價要千多元.....最終放棄"收購" 雪兵ar,very want buy:no: 勁啊!dragon88mail兄
我都過有用火人改為ghost rider呢個idea
見到係咁整真高興:) 原文章由 大師兄 於 21-5-2007 02:49 PM 發表
To freetomove bigbig, where n how much you purchase this boxset ? I can't find it at any shop n I heard about the price is ......... :?
當初是我託朋友幫我買的剛出來價格沒現在這麼高說 原文章由 磚仔人 於 24-5-2007 07:03 發表
套star wars限定組灣仔問過價要千多元.....最終放棄"收購"
star wars限定組....指那一套?:? 原文章由 freetomove 於 21-5-2007 13:02 發表
最新一入:) ...
出左喇咩...??:no: It seem medicom has different strategy in star wars kubrick least this pick is somewhat limited to Japan only...Giving them the chance to make more money from oversea buyer....anyway await mine to come....if it does arrive....:? 原文章由 evilalive 於 25-5-2007 14:23 發表
It seem medicom has different strategy in star wars kubrick least this pick is somewhat limited to Japan only...Giving them the chance to make more money from oversea buyer....anyway... it relaease at HONG KONG or not???:? 原文章由 潮流特駒 於 25-5-2007 02:31 PM 發表 it relaease at HONG KONG or not???:?
Bigbig, Its released at HKG but there is only "water goods" this time. And I can't find it at any shops here. But some bigbig saw it at Wanchai over 1K ........ :no: 原文章由 大師兄 於 25-5-2007 14:35 發表
Bigbig, Its released at HKG but there is only "water goods" this time. And I can't find it at any shops here. But some bigbig saw it at Wanchai over 1K ........ :no:
over 1 k.....?? 痴左線 :no: 原文章由 大師兄 於 25-5-2007 02:35 PM 發表
Bigbig, Its released at HKG but there is only "water goods" this time. And I can't find it at any shops here. But some bigbig saw it at Wanchai over 1K ........ :no:
That's what I heard too...Damn...:$ 原文章由 大師兄 於 25-5-2007 14:35 發表
Bigbig, Its released at HKG but there is only "water goods" this time. And I can't find it at any shops here. But some bigbig saw it at Wanchai over 1K ........ :no:
ANYWAY, AT WANCHAI........WHERE?? 我想問400%係空心定實心? hobby_fighter33提供的,異形新KUBRICK