z1aaa 發表於 4-4-2007 15:12:17

where can buy these??
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/184/435029435_91ba50f197.jpg (the pink bear)
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/164/439203989_0735842936.jpg (the left one,comic ver)


evilalive 發表於 4-4-2007 15:12:57

原文章由 stevo 於 4-4-2007 03:04 PM 發表

reetomove bigbig, very nice pics? is that mega blocks + kubricks?? :?

Bro Stevo,'

I don't have any particular place to get my kubrick now a days. :no: Seems not many shop do kubrick anymore. Anyway, ebay and yahoo is a great platform except fry price come more often....:?

Indeed, I agree that the pics from freetomove is a hybrid of mega block and kubrick. As I've got it as well:shy:

大師兄 發表於 4-4-2007 15:36:01

原文章由 stevo 於 4-4-2007 12:11 AM 發表

really?? then i must have heard it wrong...but why so hurry to pre-order?? :?:?
潮流特駒bigbig...you know where i can get the new 400% boba fett with a reasonable price?? :^:^

Pls go to yahoo to see see la ..... :)

NAVIgator 發表於 4-4-2007 18:30:20

To z1aaa兄
圖一(左)的火箭人Rocketeer係yahoo auction 有,應該幾平tim
圖一(右)的人頭係自己加的...from devilman kubrick boxset

圖二的pink bear......yahoo auction好似唔多見有,街鋪有無就唔知啦

圖三的batman, 除了左二(即最新的batman begin造型),其他的都可以係yahoo auction輕易又便宜咁買到
但係那batman begin 的......係拍賣網搵到o既都要4舊......
係japan yahoo auction就平好多...呢隻...我等佢再販...我相信總有呢一日o既:!


潮流特駒 發表於 4-4-2007 22:52:43

原文章由 NAVIgator 於 4-4-2007 18:30 發表
To z1aaa兄
圖一(左)的火箭人Rocketeer係yahoo auction 有,應該幾平tim
圖一(右)的人頭係自己加的...from devilman kubrick boxset

圖二的pink bear......yahoo auction好似唔多見有,街鋪有無就唔知啦

圖 ...

THX NEWS :shy:

z1aaa 發表於 5-4-2007 10:20:42

原文章由 NAVIgator 於 4-4-2007 06:30 PM 發表
To z1aaa兄
圖一(左)的火箭人Rocketeer係yahoo auction 有,應該幾平tim
圖一(右)的人頭係自己加的...from devilman kubrick boxset

圖二的pink bear......yahoo auction好似唔多見有,街鋪有無就唔知啦

圖 ...

stevo 發表於 5-4-2007 14:13:44

原文章由 潮流特駒 於 4-4-2007 10:52 PM 發表

THX NEWS :shy:

i agree that Jap yahoo is a great place to search for kubricks, and their bidding prices seem to be low too, however, after shipping cost plus commission cost....it's just aint that cheap anymore. :no::no:
does any bigbig also bid kubricks from Jap yahoo?? :?:?

stevo 發表於 5-4-2007 14:15:40

原文章由 evilalive 於 4-4-2007 03:12 PM 發表

Bro Stevo,'

I don't have any particular place to get my kubrick now a days. :no: Seems not many shop do kubrick anymore. Anyway, ebay and yahoo is a great platform except fry price come more ...

thanks bro!! that's a cool rider toy base!! and i really like the mega block's one piece collection too..(with the ship)..:):)

潮流特駒 發表於 5-4-2007 17:38:41

原文章由 stevo 於 5-4-2007 14:15 發表

thanks bro!! that's a cool rider toy base!! and i really like the mega block's one piece collection too..(with the ship)..:):)

mega block's not bad...but only have 555 and some old rider.....:cool:

大師兄 發表於 10-4-2007 16:16:26

原文章由 NAVIgator 於 4-4-2007 06:30 PM 發表
To z1aaa兄
圖一(左)的火箭人Rocketeer係yahoo auction 有,應該幾平tim
圖一(右)的人頭係自己加的...from devilman kubrick boxset

圖二的pink bear......yahoo auction好似唔多見有,街鋪有無就唔知啦

圖 ...

Bigbig, If I'm not wrong, there would not have 再版 for all the kubrick & Bearbrick.

cedriccedric 發表於 10-4-2007 18:57:01

我想問EVA d特別版kubrick 係買咩有?

stevo 發表於 11-4-2007 00:45:21

原文章由 大師兄 於 10-4-2007 04:16 PM 發表

Bigbig, If I'm not wrong, there would not have 再版 for all the kubrick & Bearbrick.

Yeah...dont think so too...especially for the Limited Editions...

stevo 發表於 11-4-2007 00:50:31


Spent some time to do this, hope you guys like it!! :^:^



stevo 發表於 11-4-2007 00:52:14



stevo 發表於 11-4-2007 00:53:39


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