潮流特駒 發表於 14-2-2012 22:35:34

This time reasonable price for the whole set!!
Coffeefee 發表於 1-2-2012 14:29 http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


潮流特駒 發表於 14-2-2012 22:36:51

Congrats Bro, and long time no see....

So quick?.....gonna catch up with you

evilalive 發表於 30-1-2012 21:31 http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Yes....long time no see... most time need to take care my baby :77:

Coffeefee 發表於 15-2-2012 23:29:25

WF 2012 Limited:



潮流特駒 發表於 16-2-2012 10:23:36

WF 2012 Limited:
Coffeefee 發表於 15-2-2012 23:29 http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

    Good good good!!

evilalive 發表於 23-2-2012 15:03:07

Yes....long time no see... most time need to take care my baby
潮流特駒 發表於 14-2-2012 10:36 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Welcome to the club man....:he:

How old is your baby?

evilalive 發表於 1-3-2012 20:59:20

Medicom從未試過停SW嘅pre-release announcement....
兒家咁情況,DX4後係咪SW kubrick出完哂?:unhappy:

潮流特駒 發表於 4-3-2012 06:41:45

Medicom從未試過停SW嘅pre-release announcement....
兒家咁情況,DX4後係咪SW kubrick出完哂?:unha ...
evilalive 發表於 1-3-2012 20:59 http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


evilalive 發表於 4-3-2012 22:37:28

潮流特駒 發表於 4-3-2012 06:41 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


Coffeefee 發表於 5-3-2012 00:15:03

Good ar, save a lot of money!! Have been spending too much on all 4 sets so far!!!:73:

evilalive 發表於 5-3-2012 13:36:02

回復 1883# Coffeefee

Yeah, I can finally move on to other collection:)

Macao-Seiya 發表於 6-3-2012 09:50:19

我都想呢個sw kubrick series摺埋... medicom根本已經走火入魔, d 隱藏少得可憐, 我本身全齊隱藏的, 不過去到dx3,4 已經唔想再買, 一來肯比錢時又買唔到, 二來咁貴買隻咁細既野真係唔值... 算吧....

evilalive 發表於 6-3-2012 11:07:06

回復 1885# Macao-Seiya

100% agree.
Price of those secret edition is no longer justify.....

Coffeefee 發表於 6-3-2012 19:11:22


100% agree.
Price of those secret edition is no longer justify.....
evilalive 發表於 6-3-2012 11:07 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

The star wars Kubrick series is always the most popular one, so even the DX series may no longer be available, Medicom may create something else for collectors and limited (or secret) version is inevitable!:(

evilalive 發表於 8-3-2012 14:08:59

I think Medicom has already see the diminish of the kubrick market. Further development on this product may no longer to be thier business interest....

evilalive 發表於 10-3-2012 21:35:40

本帖最後由 evilalive 於 10-3-2012 09:40 PM 編輯



不如各kubrick collectors做D回顧,再分享自己喜愛的收藏品?
頁: 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 [126] 127 128 129 130 131 132
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