Coffeefee 發表於 4-3-2010 07:55:01


blue version had sold more then one year, this will be black suit version
潮流特駒 發表於 4-3-2010 01:05 AM

Thanks. So when will the black version be released?:77:

kit800407 發表於 6-3-2010 23:27:58

請問有冇大大有one piece 套kubrick 呢?:64:

evilalive 發表於 8-3-2010 16:38:29

I don't recall Medicom has been release any kubrick from one piece:(.......well, may be I'm wrong.

kit800407 發表於 8-3-2010 22:15:17

I don't recall Medicom has been release any kubrick from one piece.......well, may be I'm wrong.
evilalive 發表於 8-3-2010 04:38 PM一共出咗9隻

大師兄 發表於 31-3-2010 17:18:27

EVA Vol.2 kubrick is out .... any bigbig have the pictures to share with us ?

kit800407 發表於 1-4-2010 12:56:25


JohnnyWalker 發表於 11-4-2010 01:47:44

Dear brothers,

I also play Kubrick ! Do u know why there is a hole on each foot ? Very interesting !!

Hope I can get an answer in here ! Thanks !

DevilKing 發表於 11-4-2010 10:38:08

Dear brothers,

I also play Kubrick ! Do u know why there is a hole on each foot ? Very interestin ...
JohnnyWalker 發表於 11-4-2010 01:47 AM


kit800407 發表於 11-4-2010 17:15:30

eva 499 in MK

Macao-Seiya 發表於 13-4-2010 12:52:05

回復 1641# JohnnyWalker


我見有d MEDICOM 出既專用膠盒比人用來放kubrick同bearbrick的, 入面會有一個地方比d kubrick 拮實佢, 所以每隻kubrick 腳板底都有個洞??

另外腳前面個洞係有時會有d 配件套到上去, 但點解隻隻都有就真係唔知...

evilalive 發表於 13-4-2010 13:33:27



我見有d MEDICOM 出既專用膠盒比人用來放kubrick同 ...
Macao-Seiya 發表於 13-4-2010 12:52 PM

JohnnyWalker 發表於 13-4-2010 15:06:48

Thanks for your infor ....., brother !!!!

DevilKing 發表於 13-4-2010 19:09:42

本帖最後由 DevilKing 於 13-4-2010 07:11 PM 編輯



我見有d MEDICOM 出既專用膠盒比人用來放kubrick同 ...
Macao-Seiya 發表於 13-4-2010 12:52 PM

但現在大部份kubrick size已不適用這專用膠盒了! just for bearbrick

evilalive 發表於 14-4-2010 21:50:37

Yeah Guys, just a kind note that Carl Kubrick & Beakbrick set from movie 'UP' has already released and it is one of the coolest kubrick release I would recommand to get as collection.:74:

pandahero 發表於 15-4-2010 20:03:20

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