第一張真的好棒啊!:43: :64: :64: 多謝各位大大讚賞, 我會繼續努力!:64: :64: 原帖由 Gainax 於 2-5-2009 01:35 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
:66: 不是, 只是開了上蓋, 再用手機光射落去. :71: :71: 第一張......正:71: 鷹頭c幾時出? 原帖由 sundaydriver 於 2-5-2009 10:31 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
:66: 不是, 只是開了上蓋, 再用手機光射落去. :71: :71:
哈,原來如此, 有趣
如果yamato出到插磁碟係後面個倉著燈就不得了 :^ 毒到不得了 原帖由 靚次佰 於 3-5-2009 00:39 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
我諗都有排啦...我估要出都係出二號機先..只係改個頭&膊頭就可以...easy job:67: 呢隻真係好正!:71: 第一張相好有mood! :handshake:
[ 本帖最後由 KK 於 4-5-2009 09:13 AM 編輯 ] :71: must buy~~ :71: 比較得好...............
這真的出得好細緻 但.........冇錢:55:
大大第一幅相好有feel, 超掂:43: very very very 毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒 原帖由 DDDragonball 於 8-5-2009 12:11 AM 發表:very very very 毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒毒
好似番左D電鍍件lu喎,幾時整好影番幾張靚相黎先,最好有哩變形合體圖啦!!:73::73: 多谢分享 好细致啊 第一幅图嘅角度超正~ Dai Dai, thanks for sharing.I bought one right after reading this post and I have to say this is a great toy!I am not a Patlabor fan myself but the details and size reminds me of an old chogokin toy.A very nice surprise!I bought both Japanese and USA Ingram 1.