Gundam@EFSF 發表於 24-6-2008 11:58:57

原帖由 okt04316 於 23-6-2008 13:50 發表
歡不歡迎13-14的中學生來:handshake: 參加
haha, if u drink coffee

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 24-6-2008 17:39:57

原帖由 okt04316 於 23-6-2008 13:50 發表
歡不歡迎13-14的中學生來:handshake: 參加
歡迎 if u have watched Original Gundam on TVB!

haha, just joking!歡迎歡迎歡迎!

herolouis800528 發表於 24-6-2008 17:49:49

...............我有係tvb睇Original, 咁我應該夠格出現!! :71:唔知歡唔歡迎??

[ 本帖最後由 herolouis800528 於 24-6-2008 05:52 PM 編輯 ]

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 24-6-2008 20:01:53

原帖由 herolouis800528 於 24-6-2008 17:49 發表
...............我有係tvb睇Original, 咁我應該夠格出現!! :71:唔知歡唔歡迎??


星之卡比 發表於 24-6-2008 20:06:30


哨牙囡 發表於 24-6-2008 20:08:09


herolouis800528 發表於 24-6-2008 20:57:32

回覆 18# 的文章

多謝!!準時到, 請pm在下地點及時間!!:79:

cybaster 發表於 24-6-2008 21:30:51

Still thinking join it or not..........:67:

roger528 發表於 25-6-2008 02:18:12

have interest on it~

裝甲仔 發表於 25-6-2008 09:44:52

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 25-6-2008 10:33:49

I can't be there at Sat............ Sorry all pal.................. :79:

Can change to Sun......................??? :(

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 25-6-2008 10:51:05

原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 25-6-2008 10:33 發表
I can't be there at Sat............ Sorry all pal.................. :79:

Can change to Sun......................??? :(
Ha!?:@ U are key leg it a must?if yes, u counter propose the time la....

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 25-6-2008 10:59:45

3:00 p.m. on Sun.................... OK?:shy:Very sorry indeed casue I need to sign a contract in Sat afternoon....................... :(

johnchan 發表於 25-6-2008 11:12:12

原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 25-6-2008 10:59 AM 發表
3:00 p.m. on Sun.................... OK?:shy:Very sorry indeed casue I need to sign a contract in Sat afternoon....................... :(

Sunday OK. John

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 25-6-2008 12:53:14

Sunday JUne 29; 3:00pm
friends, pls. reconfirm again :)
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