大大上貼紙之前可唔可以影多幾張相先呀~? 因為我唔係咁鍾意以前d貼紙o既款式~~ :shy:
thx~!! add oil~~:71:
回覆 64# 的文章
becoz of old fashion toys....so the label is must to put on....butI will take some shot without the label for you...thanks..
回覆 65# 的文章
題外話, 修復文物其中一樣好重要o既原則, 就係要保留原有物品o既風格 :61:回覆 66# 的文章
I totally agree with you 原帖由 DDDragonball 於 14-6-2008 10:45 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gifbecoz of old fashion toys....so the label is must to put on....
butI will take some shot without the label for you...thanks..
我明白貼紙係一定要上~我都好支持你咁做o架~ :$
因為基本上應該無咩機會可以見到呢個樣~~ :handshake:
anyway~ 先行謝過~!!:64:
[ 本帖最後由 車仔 於 15-6-2008 12:01 AM 編輯 ] more updated 鬼斧神工!!:@
期待復修完成!!:^ 愚蠢問題
灰色果d parts 係 remake 定係 噴灰色油以方便上色?
如 remake, 係用咩材料做? 玩.....玩具工程師呀!!!:@
:71:厲害!厲害! 好厲害~~~~:@ 樓主好強:@
期待完成品的出現 :)