genesicgaogaiga 發表於 30-12-2007 02:01:02

Review of MAX GGGG ver.1.5(tips for protection)

本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 27-1-2011 09:46 AM 編輯

Just collected my MAX 1.5 GGGG from SupermXX.

The box art is a little bit different from that of ver 1.0.
=>>mainly added the pic of index finger pointing and the wording Final Ver. (=Ver 1.5)

Beware that there are 2 stocks of GGGG ver 1.5 outside.
The one with black label is the HKG early released poor QC stock
=>>Ver 1.5 GGGG was released in HK much earlier than that in Japan.
On the date of official release in Japan, many shops in Japan soon discovered that many of the GGGGs were suffering from glued shoulder or fixed shoulder.
So the whole stock in Japan was returned to MAX for checking and repair.
In Hong Kong, similar problem occurred but this depends on your luck.

The only difference that you may notice is the label at the left lower corner:
Black wording: HK
Red wording: JPN
=>>try to get Red label JPN version for safety.

Look, the GGGG with index finger pointing out as background of FINAL VER. ( not seen in Ver 1.0)

Extra index finger x hand in ver 1.5

Japan version with red Sunrise label.

The content is the nearly same except three extra hands and a stand for the new hands.

Concerning the GGGG itself, the painting is perfect. Hope that this will not crack after prolonged display.
Color is nearly the same as ver. 1. I seemed that the gold color is a little bit more yellowish.

The joints have been improved. Only my left hip was a little bit too tight. After unscrewing and addition of WD 40, the joint moves smoothly now. The problematic joints in ver 1.0 e.g. upper knee, lower knee and hips are fixed now. But the hips were still made of alloy, no improvement at all.
=>>still risk of fracture

After playing 3 MAX GGGG version 1( gold, green, color), I noted that the sites prone to fracture are:
1.hips esp. if you put it on the accompanied display stand=>the hook will cut your hip joints due to the heavy weight of GGGG itself.
2.toes: weight bearing
3.knees/hips: too tight on moving: now improved and can be dealt with WD 40 and unscrewing.

=>>the ver 1.5 still suffers the easily fracture hip joints and toes.

A. try to uncrew the hips +/- addition of a few drops of WD 40
B. never twist the joints too hard, if too tight, use unscrewing and WD 40
C.try to avoid using the accompanied support stand, many players have got painful XP of breaking hips after prolonged displaying.

=>>In order to reduce the risk of fracture of hips and toes, I built a supporting stand for it.
=>>just apply a transparent supporting standto the buttom of the trunk without clipping the hips. Then the GGGG was lifted up in such a way that the toes just barely touched the ground.

I hope that this will remove all the stress on toes and hips.:(
=>>still can't do anything to the paint..............:80:


mr.elljay 發表於 30-12-2007 02:49:44

thx report!tips are useful!!!:$

Monutal 發表於 30-12-2007 04:27:22

Oh It's here already!!!
Why didn't he call me...

SYO 發表於 30-12-2007 05:21:22

your post always useful,support:71:

angus 發表於 30-12-2007 09:38:04

原來要加D WD40, thx your tips!!:64:

wostaney 發表於 30-12-2007 09:46:16

:77: :71:

kingeltshan 發表於 30-12-2007 09:56:05

wonderful report, tks:71:

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 30-12-2007 10:15:08

Pal!This report shold be highlighted!:71:

Really want to visit your home 1 day~~~~~~~~~~ :43:Too many amazing collection that u have got!:71:

mr.elljay 發表於 30-12-2007 10:53:46

WD-40的功能: (拿我唔系賣WD40嘎:shy: 只系貼黎大家睇下系咪可以用在其他玩具上)
2.除湿:由于WD-40 能去除湿气、水份,因此可让电子系统快速干燥,防止因湿气造成短路。
5.保护: WD-40 含抗腐蚀成份,可保护金属表面,以防湿气与其它腐蚀因素侵袭。         

1、 机械五金产品的长期防锈;
五金机械产品制造,因产品放置时间会引起产品表面产生锈蚀,对生产厂商每年造成的损失难以估量。 采用普通的防锈油,单用浸泡后放置在货架上最长时间不过1∼2个月,若需长期防锈,则需浸泡在防锈油中,如此增加了成本,且放不多,对大工件也有一定的难度。有了WD40防锈润滑剂,只需浸泡或喷雾,可以在货架上放置至少半年不被锈蚀。
2、 精密机床之清洗保养;
3、 机械维修、松解锈蚀螺丝;
4、 清洁电气设备触点;

玩具遊人 發表於 30-12-2007 11:26:14

THX report !

星月浪人 發表於 30-12-2007 14:08:13


genesicgaogaiga 發表於 30-12-2007 17:23:55

原帖由 星月浪人 於 30-12-2007 14:08 發表

Whole GGG family.
CMS 01 limit, 01x, 01 2007, 03 limit, 05 limit, gaigo limit, DX GGGG (revised), max GGGG 1.5

max 1.0 color, green gold.

rockmanfans 發表於 30-12-2007 17:30:22



genesicgaogaiga 發表於 30-12-2007 17:32:18

原帖由 rockmanfans 於 30-12-2007 17:30 發表

SupXXman in CTMA2/F

Price was more or less similar to that of Mong Kok big ship ship (Friday price=>>seafood price in Ship Ship)


That's why I used a custom made stand.

[ 本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 30-12-2007 05:51 PM 編輯 ]

rockmanfans 發表於 30-12-2007 17:34:20

原帖由 genesicgaogaiga 於 30-12-2007 05:32 PM 發表

SupXXman in CTMA2/F

Price more or less similar to that of Mong Kok big ship ship (Friday price=>>seafood price in Ship Ship)

That's why I used a custom made stand.

如果唔識整你果個custom 的stand 的話....係咪可以無視呢隻gggg?
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