lifido9999 發表於 2-9-2015 16:18:10

killerkat 發表於 25-8-2015 12:18 PM

mafix 又唔係5指可動. 都只係多左黑色線姐.

killerkat 發表於 2-9-2015 20:10:48

lifido9999 發表於 2-9-2015 04:18 PM
mafix 又唔係5指可動. 都只係多左黑色線姐.


Lawrence1978 發表於 26-8-2016 15:31:31

i bought this figure , proportion is good , downside felt a bit over light in weight
if for display that ok , but for play not suitable for children and careless people ( most of mafex
have these problems , i remember have ppls mentioned in post around )

Lawrence1978 發表於 26-8-2016 15:33:13

IVAN102HK 發表於 20-6-2015 01:02 AM
就咁睇外型好似幾好, 但曾經聽過朋友話買呢檔野隻spriderman一開出黎D關節好似識自爆咁.
所以睇定d再算了 ...

i dont know whether buy the shf version since i already have mafex version and mark 42 ,
and there are many pirates version on market

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查看完整版本: 未定Mafex IronMan Mark43