Vaio 發表於 22-1-2015 13:47:21

比達 發表於 21-1-2015 04:51 PM
想問cafe corner同green grocer呢2套係咪無可能會再版架?

i doubt Lego would re-release it.both of mine were bought used

another way is to build the bricks pieces by pieces,some of the dark blue pieces has been release again from lego,but the dark red roof pieces will be the most expensive!

you can try since it has the complete part list

比達 發表於 22-1-2015 16:52:30

本帖最後由 比達 於 22-1-2015 05:46 PM 編輯


比達 發表於 22-1-2015 17:43:47


比達 發表於 22-1-2015 17:45:12


Vaio 發表於 23-1-2015 06:20:02

I think you need to pick the seller who has the most bricks you want.that way to save shipping. I tried before and i will take at least 3 to 4 sellers to fulfill one building
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: Lego Modular Buildings 十兄弟