Toyshk 發表於 10-1-2015 15:41:10

Creator 系列

請問10211, 10197, 10218, 10232, 10243, 10246 同10244 是否是同一系列?
因為 10211, 10197 同 10244 盒面冇 Creator, 但其他就有.

ygat2005 發表於 10-1-2015 19:20:09

Vaio 發表於 12-1-2015 11:43:19

10211, 10197, 10218, 10232, 10243, 10246 同10244

they are al the same Creator Series,the 10244 is the Fairground mixer,a little difference compare to the rest

10211, 10197 10218 10232, 10243 andand 10246 are also Creator,but most AFOL call it modular building

they can join together to form a street or blocks

like this

roystoy 發表於 12-1-2015 20:24:10

借位 想請問 technic 系列 比例 大約是 ……?
因睇中架 2 in 1電單車,睇下 可以同邊個系列 crossover
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