補返句元宵節快樂! 可以甩倒咁勁。犀利 有心又點會遲,謝分享
基本上, 我 D Minifigure 全都係甩返嚟.响Lego Store,staff sometimes will help us to confirm it too.Also there are some website provide tips to locate the one that you want
such as this one
every series,people will create a list of hint or guide for other AFOL to locate the figures they want.mostly pay attention to the special parts that come with each figure
for the Movie one,easier to locate are the Panda and Lincoln.Emmet and Cop are pretty close Yes, 有大件Parts最易甩, 特別美人魚,女機械人同LUCY
返而阿麥如電影中,真係太平凡,甩左好耐先肯定係佢 回復 3# Vaio
Which shop can let u do that? Can tell ? How much for the lego movie in those shops now.Many thanks. Log-on任甩,$$一魚四餅 回復 6# NXGirT
Ic ic. May be the staff took the good one already i guess. Buy real thanks 我反而冇甩,一抽就中阿墨~~ Both Emmet and Cop has a round hat and 1x2 piece, but cop has 手扣 and the hat is smooth out
also every box has 6 Emmet and 6 cops,hope this help 回復 4# NXGirT
Went to langham place log on today...in front of the cashier, .so difficult to 甩 in front of the staffs there....{:2_309:} 回復 10# snoopy123