[求救!!!!]請問各位大大係點樣上傳圖片? 小弟新手一名...
請問点解po唔到圖嘅?? 求打救~我如何實現發帖時圖文混排效果:
「編輯帖子,找到帖子下方的附件信息,點擊aid欄目所對應的數字,論壇會自動把附件的內容以xx的形式插入到當前光標所在的位置。」& 「先把文章寫在帖子裡,然後把相關的圖片以附件的形式上傳。」
但我找唔到附件信息個制..thx!!:64::64::64: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-1378-1-1.html 本帖最後由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 24-7-2013 11:05 PM 編輯
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3823/9359460388_1ab485f421_o.jpg 回復 2# Douglas.M.Saint
首先sign in,上傳你的相片,選好要show的相片後選"all sizes",跟住下面就有你的相片的網上link,跟住再用之前教大家的方法就可以分享到
但我找唔到"all sizes"喎...係邊架?? Take a look for the last link which I edited.
U have got a wrong link at all...:( 回復 5# Douglas.M.Saint
this link? so what is the step 2 after I clink it? 本帖最後由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 25-7-2013 08:11 AM 編輯
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1jl9rmjd645k4tp/2012-12-25%2021.43.26.jpg Take a look for your reply at #3. The 3rd photo is your photo which you wanna post.Use "edit" function to see what I have done. :) And, dropbox's link is not support TD. Use FB next time. 回復 8# Douglas.M.Saint
sorry...there is no "edit". have "回復" & "引用" only 回復Douglas.M.Saint
sorry...there is no "edit". have "回復" & "引用" only
marveldchero 發表於 25-7-2013 10:26 AM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Left click to the photo at #3 that I edited for you and u can see the content.Add at front and [ /img] at the back to see the photo. :) http://www.flickr.com/photos/99317934@N05/9365136180/ 回復 11# Douglas.M.Saint
seems not work...:(
I think my problem is, i still cant make a link with my photo...