ZIN 發表於 26-10-2011 12:35:06


本帖最後由 ZIN 於 26-10-2011 01:52 PM 編輯

昨天已推出相信魔動王迷期待已久地神俠, 小弟剛好放假順道入手, 原本深夜近5點已完成報告, 可惜5點開始亦UP不到相, UP到7點都UP唔到, 於是放棄去搵周公, 現在先至出到這報告, 先向版主說句對不起, 開POST時只影了盒相, 先講回玩具, 今次我果

ZIN 發表於 26-10-2011 12:36:14

本帖最後由 ZIN 於 26-10-2011 02:18 PM 編輯

絕蕉~~ 一刀兩斷
上面報告我攪唔番, 唯有於此處交代我對此地神號之評價, 整體QC上乘, 上色方便最好, 關節鬆緊一般, 股關節大腿位鬆了一點點, 其餘OK, 不是完全孌身, 大面頭冠往背後孌翼要拆件, 本品曼差係凱薩劍劍柄果四邊開合位, 入唔實好易跌件, 總括此地神號對我個人來說是好壞參半, 但外型不俗, 加上要是魔動王迷的話, 便不用考慮, 入手吧. 謝觀看:64:無心機ING, 上面報告D字攪來攪去都攪唔好, 放棄~~~~~:63:

逆天原罪 發表於 26-10-2011 12:36:42


好正呀~ 幾時有行~ :no:

Vince 發表於 26-10-2011 12:38:53

cut 左 字牙 Zin 兄 ...
用 IE 唔好用 香港字, 用 香港字 唔好用 IE ... <= d 個 forum bugs 我真係 fix 唔到 ... sorry :64:

andrewchan0079 發表於 26-10-2011 12:38:57


Vince 發表於 26-10-2011 12:42:13

andrewchan0079 發表於 26-10-2011 12:38 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
yes ... 差5多一樣大 ...
圖 from 日網

黑色三連敗 發表於 26-10-2011 12:52:39

好快手喎~~~~唔錯 :D

ZIN 發表於 26-10-2011 12:58:36

cut 左 字牙 Zin 兄 ...
用 IE 唔好用 香港字, 用 香港字 唔好用 IE ...
Vince 發表於 26-10-2011 12:38 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

唔明白:63:咩係IE, 同埋香港字可唔可以舉例說明:no:

D@ZAce 發表於 26-10-2011 13:00:38


布魯士 發表於 26-10-2011 13:02:49


fatcheong 發表於 26-10-2011 13:04:12

唔明白咩係IE, 同埋香港字可唔可以舉例說明
ZIN 發表於 26-10-2011 12:58 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

IE即係internet explorer, 香港字一般都係有個"口"邊個類啦:(

timothy276217 發表於 26-10-2011 13:08:57

唔明白咩係IE, 同埋香港字可唔可以舉例說明
ZIN 發表於 26-10-2011 12:58 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
IE= internet explorer, 香港字即係好似哩,既,嘛 等等, 我估vince大既意思係話用這種字眼時最好就用其他firefox, safari等browser會好d:35:

flash 發表於 26-10-2011 13:10:01

本帖最後由 flash 於 26-10-2011 04:10 PM 編輯

great photos bro, but in some pics, the white color of grandzort
looks yellow. i guess it must be your lamp. try tuning the white
balance in your camera to offset it, i think your photos would
look even better.

here my 2 cents by playing with it late last night.

superb paint job & paint QC, consistent in most megahouse products.
plastic quality is okay, a little fragile but not as bad as Orguss or NG
before. toy design articulation is actually quite good. adding a lot of
playability for such a simple designed mecha. lastly, joints! i have the
feeling that it'll turn loose & crispy with added play time.

joints are quite tight atm, but seeing how to joints are constructed
and the type of plastic being used. i think inevitably will loosen up/
broken sooner or later. and i also think that this is overpriced
too, it feels like a completed model, pretty light weight and joints are
delicate. it should price at around 3-4 fish at best imo. today's toy price
are all screwed up so whatever ayw, so i am happy about this toy, but
can't help but felt a little unsatisfied.

玩具天王 發表於 26-10-2011 13:12:36

nice shots

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歐叉獅子 發表於 26-10-2011 13:16:25

好正呀, 謝謝分享

不過聽聞好易挖甩色, 而且定價不便宜, 現在1516中
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