太陽之牙 發表於 30-9-2011 17:23:38

機動戰士高達系列Last Boss一覽



順道慶賀「高達同好聚」未有因改版而被剷走~ :)

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 1-10-2011 18:59:16

Final Boss is Neo Gundam (1)??? For which series?:)

wufeiho 發表於 1-10-2011 20:11:34

destiny 要應付一班神棍......

Gundam@EFSF 發表於 1-10-2011 21:57:43

Final Boss is Neo Gundam (1)??? For which series?
Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 1-10-2011 18:59 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

yup, Noe Gundam in black, not to my knowledge....

anson@yeung 發表於 1-10-2011 22:51:06


whitebase 發表於 2-10-2011 22:03:42

nt-1 係last boss ? 唔係 渣古改咩 ??

flyboy 發表於 3-10-2011 10:11:01

nt-1 係last boss ? 唔係 渣古改咩 ??
whitebase 發表於 2-10-2011 10:03 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

    會唔會係條主線在至護兵 & 男仔, 所以佢既boss 定義係最後對打大佬,即 NT-1 .....

flash 發表於 3-10-2011 16:46:18

a lot of final boss is MA,
and strike freedom/infinite justice=final boss hahahaha!
i guess it is the first time that the final boss speed killed
the hero hahahahaha!

aa4gkaip 發表於 4-10-2011 02:46:33

Final Boss is Neo Gundam (1)??? For which series?
Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 1-10-2011 06:59 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

係影子方程式既漫畫版裏面出場,你可以google下 RXF-91就可以搵到,neo二號機係由主角駕駛

elvischoi 發表於 4-10-2011 11:57:16

本帖最後由 elvischoi 於 4-10-2011 11:58 AM 編輯

seed d...boss.sf & infinite justice:66:
btw the ms in right hand side of the o, is it come from AOZ:?

SOHAN 發表於 5-10-2011 01:23:08

我覺得00的FINAL BOSS係大使同REBORNS。。。。哈姆同0GUN出黎係反高潮作用居多。。。。

mkyfk 發表於 10-10-2011 09:38:10

回復 11# SOHAN

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