bigtomm 發表於 27-7-2011 18:24:17


今年入戲院睇左幾套悶片 :56:
thor現真身只打頭尾兩埸, 唔多夠喉 :63:
海盜4欠大場面, 好生失望 :42:
綠燈俠... 唉~ 我好鍾愛呢個角色, 所以話佢幾句便算 :47:
波特... 人地請我睇, 唔悶, 就只差點張力 :58:
:36:所以今勻down左cap睇下先, 才決定入唔入場.
可能自己單純啦, 只要見cap著住套漫畫戰衣, 已經感到好愉快~:43:
:71:原來此片好似打仗片, 一上戰線就無得下岡, 直到完場cap才可瞓低.
好! :34:能夠令我愉快一句鐘, 我就放心放低六草~~:78:

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 27-7-2011 21:04:39

For me, no escape for Avenger. :)

Still haven't watched TF 3?:)

莫探員 發表於 28-7-2011 01:44:32


美國隊長 , 藍精靈 , 反斗車王2(聽聞中文配音版,會有特別角色出場)

天煞西部反撃戰 , 死神5來了 , 猿人爭霸戰:猩凶革命

bigtomm 發表於 28-7-2011 19:16:10

For me, no escape for Avenger.

Still haven't watched TF 3?
Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 2011-7-27 21:04

老闆 同事 同學 都叫我唔洗入場啊:@

S.White 發表於 18-8-2011 16:02:53

个人觉得是今年的Marvel & DC 英雄片中最好的一部, 去买票吧~ :71:

Macross長谷有洋 發表於 19-8-2011 14:13:31

If u like this sort of movie, should go to see it.
It is not better than Ironman, but still very good.

flash 發表於 19-8-2011 16:00:53

didn't watch that many superhero film this year, but so far for what i've
already seen, i am quite happy with them.

XMEN:first class, Hangover2, TF3, HP7part2, Smurf

flash 發表於 19-8-2011 16:01:17

oh btw, anyone seen kung fun panda2?
is it any good?

tonytang2106 發表於 21-8-2011 00:50:53

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