令你支持唔住落去香港工業!<<< Part A >>>
本帖最後由 太歲 於 27-3-2010 11:32 PM 編輯玩家們唔好插啦,搵個人支持一下我啦! 太多朋友連日來攻擊,我知做好.......好難!但做衰就好易,希望大家唔好插!
支持一下,好唔好????? ...
wkchin 發表於 22-3-2010 01:57 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
真金白銀買 都 唔算支持??!! :30:
第一時間訂 都 唔算支持??!! :42:
我們只是要求精益求精, 不要求求其其!!!:53: I am actually amused by your post...
And to my surprise, even in HK there's this type of people, using all these empty slogans and try to cover up their own mistakes.. It's only about business, nothing about supporting the local industries or whatever, please save the patriot bullshit.
As consumers we have every right to ask for better quality, at least the equal quality as shown in your ads. Please focus your energy on the things you are supposed to do -- make good toys, instead of doing this.. you are really just ruining your own images. support!! 本帖最後由 小櫻 於 22-3-2010 02:51 PM 編輯
這是做生意的基本道義... 顧客不會理會你背後有甚麼藉口的... 難道要人家和你鬥長命嗎?...
小櫻上 I'm soldem give comments on this as individual figure collector in which I had my own judgement on what I'd collected. But who ask HT to rush on releasing their product? I give credits to what HT release from the past but hasn't they forgot what really makes them No. 1 from the industry by producting top notch figures?
Isn't HT the company that push the quality of figure to a different level? While collectors realised how HT could deliver and expecting them better, is that a fault?
Listern comments from collectors should only make you stronger but the other way round. 我見EB個blog我就火都嚟:53:,好心唔好攞d未完成的散件出嚟比人睇啦!即話比人聽你地唔洗諗啦,我未完成。4月都嚟緊頭,個d頭仲未上色,唉!
支持!?你on time出到貨,見貨對辦咪支持囉!可況,我真係唔會care你係咪本地公司或其他國家公司,佢出得靚,啱我心水就可以,我話之你係咪非洲人整出嚟吖!:36: 買賣雙方公平D講, 一間公司能提供合格質量產品、市場合理價格、妥善客戶服務(有問題要對客戶有合理交代, 售後服務等)、如期發貨....一定支持!!! 唔單只本地, 全世界嘅同好都會支持!! 相反嘅話, 樓主可以做到一廂情願去資持??? 阿嬌精神真係存在??? I'm soldem give comments on this as individual figure collector in which I had my own judgement on w ...
evilalive 發表於 22-3-2010 10:19 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
The post is abt ENTERBAY. not Hot Toys 本帖最後由 evilalive 於 22-3-2010 11:17 AM 編輯
回復 9# lostchild_d
Hey, just learned that but I do reserve my comments with HT, however as for EB, I already gave up hopes on them. They're just ashame.............and I just don't bother to look at post on their product......eventhough I've pre-order some of their goods as other collectors here. 本帖最後由 sumsum.com 於 22-3-2010 02:44 PM 編輯
我係真心真正支持EB ! 但仍然有1種「恨鐵不成鋼」嘅痛心...
上面d 仁兄brother所提及嘅point, 亦係事實。
樓主呢1個post係真係企出嚟支持? 吾好意思...吾好見怪~
我1見到樓主呢1幅「D.I.Y圖畫」, 有種諷刺嘅感覺多d... 似踩多兩錢重。
我的畫你睇到係乜咪就係乜囉!!!!! 進入悲,我小9你!!!!!!:53: 藝術係一種沒有定義價值,有人話凡高的畫係垃圾,有人話自己figure係藝術品!
wkchin 發表於 22-3-2010 03:20 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
原來如此, 真係「真的假不了;假如真不了」...
原來如此, 真係「真的假不了;假如真不了」...
sumsum.com 發表於 22-3-2010 03:44 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
If consumer are not happy with the company's service or product, don't buy it. Let market be the judge.