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樓主: 黑色三連敗

[玩具報告] 是但影 ~~~ Robot 魂 輪迴之拉格朗日 Vox Rympha & Vox Ignis

 樓主| 發表於 30-1-2013 10:22:51 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks pics pal but don't like robot outlook...
taken 發表於 29-1-2013 09:02 PM

Brother Taken, thank you for reading my post. :handshake: Aren't you going to buy them? You are the one who almost got all the robot spirit products? :58:
發表於 30-1-2013 22:12:22 | 顯示全部樓層
this one no buy cause  can't  變形... so i skip it...

U also buy other 2 limited ver, i think u very love this cartoon

anyway enjoy it pal.  

Now I'm playing PS3  Assassins Creed 3  so no time snap more toys pics..

this weekend free d so many be snap some toys.:)

Brother Taken, thank you for reading my post.  Aren't you going to buy them? You are  ...
黑色三連敗 發表於 30-1-2013 10:22 AM
 樓主| 發表於 31-1-2013 21:53:36 | 顯示全部樓層
this one no buy cause  can't  變形... so i skip it...

U also buy other 2 limited ver, i think u v ...
taken 發表於 30-1-2013 10:12 PM

I guess the major reason why so many people not going to buy these two robots is because they couldn't transform into flight mode. :(  Actually I'm not one of the fans of this anime, got the first one and just want to buy the others. :26:

Don't know that you love to play video games too, I just finished the super robot wars OG a month ago. Hope to see your report soon!!! :)
發表於 6-2-2013 22:04:17 | 顯示全部樓層
sorry so late reply pal,  I'm T.V Games fan too ,

i have FC, game boy, SFC, MD, N64, Neo-Geo, PS, Saturn , Dreamcast, PS2, , PSP, PS3..... :36:

too busy so just 加水貼,滲線 time  finish ZZ gundam.....

I guess the major reason why so many people not going to buy these two robots is because they co ...
黑色三連敗 發表於 31-1-2013 09:53 PM
 樓主| 發表於 7-2-2013 11:35:12 | 顯示全部樓層
sorry so late reply pal,  I'm T.V Games fan too ,

i have FC, game boy, SFC, MD, N64, Neo-Geo, PS ...
taken 發表於 6-2-2013 10:04 PM

嘩~~~咁多機種 :Q

隻zz水貼~~~真係要俾個like :71:
發表於 7-2-2013 20:48:44 | 顯示全部樓層
返學時期多時間D所以打機多.  到左返工時間少左玩具多:35:

zz水貼用以前d MG水貼... no 1/144 or HG...唔太fit Robot 魂 ..:38:.


黑色三連敗 發表於 7-2-2013 11:35 AM
 樓主| 發表於 8-2-2013 08:49:46 | 顯示全部樓層
返學時期多時間D所以打機多.  到左返工時間少左玩玩具多

zz水貼用以前d MG水貼... no 1/144 or HG.. ...
taken 發表於 7-2-2013 08:48 PM


我以為您d水貼係模型鋪買~~~仲唔見您出post既 :shy:
發表於 8-2-2013 19:19:59 | 顯示全部樓層
yes some 水貼係模型鋪買, some re-use from old 模型...

new year so busy, so no time post new pics... ha ha:26:


黑色三連敗 發表於 8-2-2013 08:49 AM
 樓主| 發表於 9-2-2013 08:27:50 | 顯示全部樓層
yes some 水貼係模型鋪買, some re-use from old 模型...

new year so busy, so no time post new pics. ...
taken 發表於 8-2-2013 07:19 PM

Taken兄認真有心有力 :71: 如果robot魂高達出到好似GFF咁就好啦~~~我都會買 :unhappy:

新年要派利是~~~真係好忙 :die:
發表於 9-2-2013 11:11:49 | 顯示全部樓層
pal i'm still lazy... many robots haven't snap e.g. 艾比安,蘭斯洛特, 2 limited robots.....:31:

Taken兄認真有心有力  如果robot魂高達出到好似GFF咁就好啦~~~我都會買

新年要派利是 ...
黑色三連敗 發表於 9-2-2013 08:27 AM
 樓主| 發表於 9-2-2013 21:08:58 | 顯示全部樓層
pal i'm still lazy... many robots haven't snap e.g. 艾比安,蘭斯洛特, 2 limited robots.....
taken 發表於 9-2-2013 11:11 AM

Oh no, I guess that I won't be able to see your report recently. :die:
發表於 10-2-2013 00:43:08 | 顯示全部樓層
玩刺客教條 3攪到無哂時間玩具:66:

Oh no, I guess that I won't be able to see your report recently.
黑色三連敗 發表於 9-2-2013 09:08 PM
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