Tachikoma 發表於 17-12-2007 12:43:54

回覆 16# 的文章

好目標:71: 加油!:)

乳豬仔 發表於 17-12-2007 14:15:29


玩具人傀儡 發表於 17-12-2007 16:23:32


第五適格者 發表於 17-12-2007 16:33:59

好有heart 既post:43:

Monutal 發表於 17-12-2007 18:40:39

are you the 第五適格者 we all know of in this forum, or are you someone else???

garykctse 發表於 17-12-2007 22:54:55

原帖由 Tachikoma 於 17/12/2007 09:35 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

 やる気のある方、お待ちしてお& ...

有少少懷疑到底有幾多人可以勝任愉快...... :o

Tachikoma 發表於 17-12-2007 22:56:10

回覆 22# 的文章

:( :( :(

garykctse 發表於 17-12-2007 23:00:20

其實唔講唔講,都唔知 SHE 原來有咁耐歷史 :shy:

米肥 發表於 17-12-2007 23:12:48

:71:冇野講 :Q

cybster 發表於 17-12-2007 23:17:31


DrChanBlackJack 發表於 17-12-2007 23:43:06

Really excellent post of diehard SHE fans ! :handshake: and this is the first time I know SHE released Macross in the past.

Do agree your advice "never drop the kit" !!!!I droppedmy最小変形 Getter 1 and damaged the arm with the white part also lost ar :help:

第五適格者 發表於 18-12-2007 01:10:32

原帖由 Monutal 於 17-12-2007 18:40 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
are you the 第五適格者 we all know of in this forum, or are you someone else???

係ar monutal 大大:78:
之前狂儲macross 1:48, 前排玩勇者玩具(亦係咁樣認識gggg大大)

最懷念o個陣既macross 艦橋post, 仲有柿崎大大既精彩解說^^

遲o的post o的 野俾大大睇啦

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 18-12-2007 01:14:37

原帖由 第五適格者 於 18-12-2007 01:10 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

係ar monutal 大大:78:
之前狂儲macross 1:48, 前排玩勇者玩具(亦係咁樣認識gggg大大)

最懷念o個陣既macross 艦橋post, 仲有柿崎大大既精彩解說^^

遲o的post o的 野俾大 ...

Long time no see, where have you been??
So you should have completed your macross and 勇者 series. Right!
Please share them with us soon!!:^

Really glad to see you again.:65:

第五適格者 發表於 18-12-2007 01:23:28

原帖由 genesicgaogaiga 於 18-12-2007 01:14 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Long time no see, where have you been??
So you should have completed your macross and 勇者 series. Right!
Please share them with us soon!!:^

Really glad to see you again.:65:

macross 都係跟隨yamato既步伐啦
宜家仲開埋超合金魂同埋其他唔同既玩具(例如岩岩入番電擊srx......:) )

之前你隻half eye 超獸真係睇到我差o的想入番隻
好彩後尾俾隻srx ko 左我先....

遲o的一定post 野俾大家分享:)

Monutal 發表於 18-12-2007 01:23:28

原帖由 第五適格者 於 18-12-2007 01:10 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

係ar monutal 大大:78:
之前狂儲macross 1:48, 前排玩勇者玩具(亦係咁樣認識gggg大大)

最懷念o個陣既macross 艦橋post, 仲有柿崎大大既精彩解說^^

遲o的post o的 野俾大 ...

OH!!! It's really you!!!! We all missing you very much!!! How's thing!!! What other toy you into now???

I guess we all miss 柿崎大大 as well, hope he will be back one day!
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