damn 發表於 23-7-2011 00:56:11

玩爛左EX GETTER 2隻腳 求救><

點算有冇人救我啊>< 我又蚊唔返另一邊出黎 就算痴到我都驚唔穩陣!

damn 發表於 23-7-2011 01:14:24


damn 發表於 23-7-2011 01:20:51

唔該大佬們丫: (

yukaen 發表於 23-7-2011 01:21:23

gazza1211 發表於 23-7-2011 01:28:05


damn 發表於 23-7-2011 02:25:56

gazza1211 發表於 23-7-2011 01:28 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

gazza1211 發表於 23-7-2011 02:33:07

damn 發表於 23-7-2011 02:25 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


damn 發表於 23-7-2011 02:35:41

斷了就是斷了,駁唔返啦,AA膠都沒用,大腿這些位置都是受力位。最多粗粗地找一條粗幼差不多的 ...
gazza1211 發表於 23-7-2011 02:33 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
其實果個係大比下的位 都唔係成日轉
不過如果要鐵釘或膠枝 點樣可以固定? 要鑽穿多少少再放入長既鐵釘或膠枝?

iamfinethankuuu 發表於 23-7-2011 09:34:59


Oracle 發表於 23-7-2011 09:51:20

"鐵釘或膠枝 點樣可以固定? 要鑽穿多少少再放入長既鐵釘或膠枝?"
You can 鑽 a hole in each side of the broken pieces. Put a 鐵枝 inside as support to connect the 2 pieces and stick with AA膠.
But I don't know if it is ok, if the body is too heavy.

跳跳虎 發表於 23-7-2011 10:08:40


sunny62992004 發表於 23-7-2011 11:41:20

影多幾幅相PM比我啦! 我認識一個玩具修理專家, 可能幫到你.:58:

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 23-7-2011 13:30:34

Your one is repainted version.
It is not so old, why is it so fragile.
BTW, that part looks plastic to me.
I would try to use a clamp to pull the broken part out. Then I will use some screw like those used in Studio Half Eyes to re connect the broken parts together. Finally, I will add AA in between them.

Artoo 發表於 4-8-2011 14:35:49

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